Thank me later user

$UAVS is a penny stock now at $1.40
The owners daughters YouTube just got leaked and they are gonna partner with Amazon. Most likely helping them created better software for drones to deliver boxes. This will 2x the stock in a matter of seconds. Tomorrow they will have a PR and they haven’t said who it is but they said it’s a big E-commerce business.
If it’s amazon it will go to $2-$4 do your on due diligence I’m just tryna help some peeps

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It probably will drop to $1.30 by the end of the day. I’m just saying buy now before 11am tomorrow

unironically, just put $5000. I'm gonna find you if this tanks


I don't even know how to buy stocks, so I'll spend my money on linkconnect instead.

Ok time to make it or die

poorfag here about to throw in $300
if this doesnt work i will find you and skin you alive

I'll take the bait and buy with my poorfag savings but isn't 50% up today a red flag? I'm a newfag so pls no bully

Just put 0.5% of my life savings into UAVS... If it flops, I'm going to hunt you down and buy you a pizza because I'm not a poorfag

fuck it, just bought some shares. If you were just memeing on me then I suppose I'm a dipshit.

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I am not memeing. Just don’t forget me when you make so mulla. Ima post tomorrow. I will say I’m the $UAVS guy

counting on u user
see you in the next realm

its at $1.55 now fuck.

do i buy now or wait for end of day

based user.

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No buy now.

Thread stinks. Cant put my finger on it, maybe too many willing shills and/or trolls, but thread stinks. Ill watch from sidelines.

No problem.

It already did a 4x this month retard. At this point you're just buying high and selling low.

Yahoo finance does say this tho. Hmmm... intredasting.

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scared money don't make money, nigger

Dumb question but does this not constitute insider trading?

Listen I’m not saying hold for days. Hold this until the PR. This can easily hit $5 if it’s Amazon

I also think it stinks so I bought only 100 shares. Costs nothing, good upside, and to be honest, the rest of the info in the thread seems good.

Just put down 500 shares earlier

Let’s gamble Yas Forums

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Was already thinking about jumping in before seeing this desu. Thanks OP. Threw a couple hundred at it. Less than 2% of total portfolio so meh of you're fucking us over but thanks if you're not.

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yep i already missed it double already

but we're not apart of the corporation? unless information leaks count too

That's what I don't understand, is an anonymous image board considered public information?

Alright, any source on this shit even if minimal? I’ll put $1000 into this shit

Leaks are public domain so it's fine.
Trading on info from an insider is illegal even if you're not otherwise related to the corporation.

Even that doesn't matter. If someone comes to you and gives you insider info, if you can demonstrate that you didn't know the guy worked for the company at the time, or if your opponent cannot show you knew the guy was working with the company at the time, you're free to use the information to trade, legally speaking.

It's already up a lot ready. How do I know it's not a buy the rumour, sell the news and tomorrow it's not dumping? I'll still probably cancel the existing order and buy in now.
>inb4 poorfag
I'm new and a recovering cryptofag

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yahoo posted an article about it on april 15, look it up
i put in $300 an hour ago and im up 20%, looking good so far

I bought 60 I don't even care anymore everything I'm watching today is green and everything I'm in is red

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What does amazon have to gain from an agricultural drone company?