You have 370 usd you are willing to gamble with. What would you get? Dgb, tezos, xrp, ada?
>suggestions other than link and hex those go straight into the trash
You have 370 usd you are willing to gamble with. What would you get? Dgb, tezos, xrp, ada?
>suggestions other than link and hex those go straight into the trash
>doesn't want suggestions besides link and hex
Okay, I suggest link because it serves as critical infrastructure for smart contracts
just LINK, no hex, 100% all in LINK that's IT
if you dont put that in hex your future lack of kid and future lack of wife will hate you
I'm actually pretty sure that's a man
no meme that's a fucking dude
Short oil then long oil. Im long now but soon going short
buy two eth
You'll get better gains gambling for real than buying coins with that pathetic stack.
Pnk. Pic related.
>370 USD
I dunno buy a couple McDonalds happy meals poorfag
Just HEX, no link, 100% all in HEX that's IT
Please be a webm, please be a webm, please be a webm...
Kneepads and chapstick
Considering it strongly
I was baiting but sergi is a shady guy
Guess I like men now
I wouldn't touch pnk with a 10 foot pole
I prefer dominoes desu 2 days eating for 30 bux
I agree. I could up it to 740 usd. Maybe I'm chicken shit.
Unironically Fantom. Possibly the best consensus in crypto, improving smart contracts, and tons of room for growth (mcap only 8.75 mil)
I highly recommend looking into it for yourself. It's very undervalued right now, but that won't last forever
Why are you even bothering with so little money to invest? Are you posting from Bangalore?
OTM calls on travel companies
all in hex
who is that nice whore?
Ubt and suter
>wasting anyone’s time on how to parlay 370 fucking burger bucks
Holy fuck you're poor. This is like "my mommy gave me extra money for taking the trash out and i saved for 2 months" the thread.
Fine girl, but she's stupid and/or inexperienced slut. You always wear thong on garterbelt so panties can be removed swiftly and without a need to strip it all.
god damn make your woman wear panties over her garters so you can take them off without fussing with shit jfc do you even fuck
Great minds think alike.
I have more but I just dunno If I wanna lose it all buying crypto when I dunno what I'm doing. I'm throwing on another 370 now what faggot say hex and I'll strangle a kitten
i get a hooker and i gamble i won't get stds
>no link
>no pnk
You're gonna stay broke because you fell for memes.
I already gambled on stds with my nigger slut ex and caught herpes fuck this gay earth. Xrp eth dbg is what I'll buy
DOGE, duh
Nice try sholmo
When I got my trumpbuxx, I put the money I wanted to spend into link while I shopped out some parts for my PC. I'm up $50 since then
Just all in on Hex. It really is that ez