/smg/ - stock market general

* clack * * clack * * clack * edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Stocks are retarded

This is my moment. My go big or be poor play.
I will remember these next 2 weeks for the rest of my life.
Where i lost it all or made it all.
Good luck to everybody out there. I'm glad I could shitpost with you.

This is my final Play.

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Hey niggers

whats a good buy that isnt a shitcoin meme tanker stock

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first for oil chads

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tup user


>GDP drop of Q1, US 4.82%, Germany around 7% - Q2 drops will be around 30% - 45% - Q1 already crushed all estimates, so will Q2.
>Earnings? Don't even bother you with details, nearly everything missed brutally. Q2 will be bloodbaths.
>Foot shortage is getting danagerous right now
>Japan extends State of emergency for another month
>Germany cases and R factor going up with the easing of lockdown
>Unemployment. Next moon mission tomorrow

And what do we have on the bull side? Gilead dropped the "positive data" bomb. Full data will be released in a few weeks. Very bullish indeed. Oil price surging like demand and storage is solved. I love the market.



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Alright lads what else do I go in hard. This market is acting ridiculous. Am profitable but want to turn this into 500k before eoy.

All in on buy calls? Which?

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Sp500 resistance at 295 .. if it hits 300 that is the end of the road before a MASSIVE DUMP...

If it doesnt then money isnt real so stop paying your taxes and max out a bunch of credit cards. Buy calls on leverage and fuck it

>he fell for the chinese flu meme

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>>Foot shortage is getting danagerous right now
fucking footfags I swear

What would (((they))) have to do to fuck over Oilchads while retaining profits for themselves?

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HTZ x3 within a year guaranteed

>We are actually going to 300
What the fuck....

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How long should I hold an option that is profitable but not too likely to end up in the money? I’ve found myself buying some cheap contracts before and I always seem to hold onto them for too long. Is there some kind of rule as to when it’s best to sell low Delta options?

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tell us user, tell us what you did


Guys you said Ford was going to get shit on today what the actual fuck.


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ET and USAC: Your tickets to early retirement

I don't even know what to do anymore, so I just buy

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>* clack * * clack * * clack * edition

some bullish news from China: the top legislature and consultative bodies are to convene normally in late May.
China's technological plans for the next 15 years otherwise known as China Standards 2035 might be announced at that time. these plans have been in the works for the past two years. stay tuned.

SOXL is rocketing

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BA earnings starting now. Please go up

go hard on tankers, FRO and DHT with NAT being the absolute best option

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heh, nothing personal poorfags

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Be honest, you bought this because it says BRAAAP 69, right?

*blocks your path*

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25 year old booyer?

Why do people feel the need to gamble with the market? Aren't there funner ways to flush your money down the toilet rather than starting at red and green dildos?

imagine being a bear

literally the most cucked way to live

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>got called a retard for buying AMD puts yesterday
im cashing out

MGM +27%
HAL +35%
KOSS +26%

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Is there a minimum portfolio value I need to get Robinhood Gold? I'm at $2500 and I've looked everywhere to upgrade to it but I can't find it?

Any of you fucking retards want to shit talk the CCL pill? How does it feel missing the boat? Next stop 25, try not to kys.

What's your position on NAT?

I’ve been swing trading TQQQ

user, are you OK?

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South Africa I'm guessing?


I'll also add "not charging ahead on a path to bankruptcy" to the criteria. LVMHF, AXP, JPM, CBRL, EL, LVS, and DRI are solid.

Are there any bears left anymore?

Shut the fuck up you fucking shill.

Was probably shilling NAT yesterday.

Give us actual information you fuck.

shitty meme stock shilled to retail retards

I've just capitulated and closed all my shorts and went all in long, see you at the top bulls

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you pressed the button
Its time to become an hero.

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A Chad whale coming through. Do you need a trophy wife?


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I am going to short the S&P 500

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doggo's ready to rip a nig's jugular out

Noob here but keen to learn. Somebody advise me on a third company to "invest" in, I stuck with AMD for a while then sold a few days ago since I believe the stock is way overvalued and due to plummet soon. DKS I bought since I used big brain and assumed people wouldn't buy sporting goods during a pandemic so it's better to buy the stock now and sell later when the pandemic is all over. NVDA is the same deal with AMD, I'm going to sell all that off soon since it's also overvalued. Any advice would be great. Thank you /smg/

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i'll believe this when i see it...

That looks damn phenomenal. Buy buy buy the dip!

that's from Zimbabwe when they were seizing all white farmers land. Though they did start doing the same thing in South Africa recently too, not that anyone would dare report on something like that in the West.

dude fuck off, if you're trying to be sarcastic, dont.

if you're for real, just fucking dump your bags or tell us who's paying you.

Should I be buying REML? I dont know shit about shit.

How are stocks even real anymore...

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I’m not missing anything, friend. No more losses, only moons now.

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Tell me about the swing trading, is that just one buy/sell action each day or so? What sorts of gains or losses do you choose to sell on?

would help if i posted the pic

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>gesturing for takeoff
>with the airbrake up
>"bro please just take the picture for my facebook"

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You don't lose of you don't sell. You just have to wait a little while to get your money back.

I think most are outside

If it breaks 300 it is mooning.

Literally H O W?


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How's everyone doing?

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Based learning noob

I'm thinking about buying the dip again

my advice is to not listen to anyone here

I had 2k USO shares before the split but sold them how much did I lose?

>all these oil newfags getting flustered about their tankers
oh god I'm going to take all of your money hnnnnnng thank you based Cramer for bringing normalfags into oil

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Ehhh no thanks. I knew about tankers like 3 weeks ago. Not about to hop in when the normies are likely now aware and are getting dumped on.

This guy gets it

Its a VTOL F-35 homie, he has his jump boots on for a shorter take-off run.

You owe

brainlet here. why is the market up?

Up $550 today..feelz good.

Normalfags being dumped on signals the greatest time to buy because they'll be shaken out of tankers completely and will never go back in.

tanker stocks arent shitcoins you faggot. they're just swing trades right now

>how much did I lose
everything you put into USO - ~$4,000

closed at open and already up 5% on SOXL, how can you even lose lmao bearcucks

Ive only been swing trading for the past two months. The longest Ive held a stock is tops 2 weeks. It can also be a buy, and a day or so later selling.

bout tree fiddy

Unloaded my xom calls for %110 gain
Feels good

Any other restaurant chads here today? My EAT is up by 33%

Tanker stocks are bigger scams that shitcoins, which are 99.9% scams

Lucky cuck got into Nvidia at the right time. I just dropped out of AMD yesterday after news of the earnings report. I'm gonna go back in soon enough cause it seems like AMD has big plans for the future. Right now I'm at a stalemate. Idk what to get into. I went with Netflix for thr time being. Maybe I'm too greedy and just want those fast huge profits.

But the American flag printed on the airbrake looks so dank

You guys should check out Yahoo Finance comments sometime. It's unironically full of so much coping and seething it actually hurts a bit to read. People REALLY BELIEVE THIS

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I dont generally deal with those funky weird stocks.

Anything with more backing behind it? Stocks that just measure volatility arent my thing

Why? I mean in 08 I remember it took a while for everything to really crumble. Why not go to cash and then buy the cheapies after shit hits the fan?

>Q1 already crushed all estimates
Q1 GDP shrinkage met or was under almost all recent estimates. Where are you getting these estimates?

BPF up 7.5% and rising. No clue what's going on.

>Bought myself deeper into tankers right before another dip

I accept this

I sold CAKE at 20.50 because I was fucking positive it was going down again
and now somehow it's at 24+
I'm just going to ignore it, i'm so fucking salty


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Idk u tell me

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HAL is running me 17.1%

Is this what it feels to make it?

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Who is this incel fat fuck?

you people are delusional. NOTHING will get normies to buy tanker stocks.

if its not TSLA, MSFT, AAPL, FB, or AMZN, normies aint buying that shit no matter how free money it is. today is a good day to get in on tankers

you're a fuckin moron

The lesson from this is we need less people working and fewer companies making money

I hope you are not invested in aviation because you don't seem to know how airplanes work.

Bear bros hold me Im about to increase my short on all stocks in existence

I don't need to read these comments for the bears, everything will be a variation of:

1. It's rigged
2. The fed muh
3. Le orange man is bad (if liberal)

I'm up like crazy on my longs but I don't even feel happy about it

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Damn right. Bought in at $8 a shade and am sitting here laughing at the tards.

>Breaking: USO has been registered as a tax exempt charity due to the extraordinary amount of money being donated to it.

Who else is holding cash here?

make sure you save some $$ for a rope

Try PSX or MRO at 20%

theres a credit card for that

If you're known among your peers as "the guy who trades stocks and talks about the market" then people look at you favorably and think you're intelligent. If you're known as "the guy who goes to the casino every weekend and blows his paycheck" then you're viewed as a degenerate gambling addict.


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a sufficient sacrifice was made to the graph gods

How am I supposed to live in this tanker environment without the ability to day trade? Fuck these rules

Reporting. I have 250k in a checking account now and need to decide if I open a money market or what. I think this shit is going to tank.

This. What the fuck is the point when line literally only go up???

or should i say

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You really think FANG will go on sale in 6 to 9 months?
I might reinvest again.

Yeah I sold my RRGB (burger joint) 2 days ago because I took a deeper look at the company and they were kind of shit and so I sold while I still had a small 10% profit, and within the past 2 days they are up 40%. Im pretty fucking salty about that too.

True American hero right here boys.

>NAT prices going negative by the end of the week

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Nice cope you longlet coward

HTZ seems fucked to me. Planned in dumping my shares soon. Your thoughts?


oh shit BASED

How about KOS at 33%

>The only companies making money go down

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HAHAHAHAHA Just saw what it's doing. Sometimes I believe maybe humans can be more than just dumb apes, then shit like this happens.

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SOXL is a monster

>tfw my EAT is up 130%

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You know it's VTOL and the airbrake should be on, right?

Buy spy calls and puts just otm. Set sell orders 50% higher. Once QTpie Powell starts speaking let the volatility take care of the rest. I’ve been doing this for awhile with great success.

I love you green-arrow-go-up animu girl

Yeah I sold them too. Lol i think it was on monday.


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Are we delusional or is this really the golden bull run we’ve been waiting for?

Digits confirm. I'm about to cut my losses now

I made 8% today, but now I'm going to sit in cash over the next couple of weeks to see how earning go, it's tempted to get back in with all these gains but I just can't believe we will hit ATH's again with this economy.

what about it. it's down

Do you actively sell when you've made some kind of profit or is it from stop losses over time?

I have a few positions where I'm up +10%, and I think I should be setting up stop losses on them so I'm not just holding the bags in case something crazy happens.

same here but got 2000

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Why can't they farm? Are they really that low in IQ?

MRO, ENB, and FCEL are what im playing rn. Hopped in fcel at 1.00, enb at 28.3, and mro at 4.50. Making bank with sweet divvies

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AAAAAND now we peak until after lunch


I'm never gonna make it am I ?

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Those dubs....

Don't forget to use leverage.

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Man I feel good today.

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Think of the dumbest fucking company that will for sure go bankrupt because of the pandemic, and all in it. Only way to make it.

Couldve gone all in on 2 stocks i recommended to someone earlier today. Would already be up 1k

Who's buying oil right now?


/smg/ I have 3.5k that I want to triple by the end of the year, what's the best play?

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My current theory is as follows:
Institutions betted on tankers as they knew oil supplies would be short for a while.
They now believe oil is coming back up, and because oil is a better immediate play while tankers will take at least 6 months to properly pay up, they left tankers to get into oil.
I believe their play is to exit oil with good profit and put that back into tankers.
In conclusion, I still believe tankers are an excellent play. I think the best strategy is to buy calls on all tankers to get in after earnings, where I believe a strong movement will happen with average to low probability (because based on this thesis, the real movement is expected to come in later).
If that is true, I don't understand why food is going up. There must be some 'reopening news' to justify that which would cause institutions to pump them in expectation of what will happen in the coming months.

tanker stocks have a legitimate business backing them. shitcoins have nothing but fake white papers. tankers are going to be a swing trade until Q3, it's not even a meme

Buy enbridge niggers its going to be up 30% this year easy peasy

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Reminder that you're not alone

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What were they?

Wish I had done that with Carnival stock

>Not being a bear on green days
>Not being a bull on red days
It’s like you don’t want to make money

been buying TOT FANG PSX COP ENB EPD CVX for 2 weeks

The pattern for the last month or so has been to gap up overnight, then crab sideways all day, I expect more of the same today.

>Who's buying oil right now?

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I'm fucking ruined. Bought the FRO top and now I'm going to be bagholding until Q2 earnings

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definitly has that brazilian monkey look