1. Self-targeted Onchain advertising
2. Mobile Node/client
3. Sign-In with Idena
4. Sharding
5. Onchain governance (BIG ONE think Tezos)
6.Light smart contracts
7. Human Oracles (BIG ONE think chainlink)
8. DAOs (Think Defi, Aragon etc)
9. Courts (Think Kleros)
10. Serverless messenger (Think Loki)
11. Decentralized publishing platform (Think Steem, Hive)
12. Staked-collateralized DNA loans (think Defi)
13. DNA mixers
14. DEX, stablecoin and digital assets (Think Idex, Komodo, USDC, TUSD, Tether)
15. A decentralized network of Human (BIG ONE network effects)
16. UBI
17. Parallel and antagonist of ID 2020 and other SSI and DI based projects.
Game is on.
imagine coming to biz to shill your bags
It kinda is at the moment, seeing that it’s still testnet and most of the stuff in OP hasn’t even begun development (besides pic related). Your likening it with a faucet is just because it’s not PoW (using electricity for coin and making your room 105 degrees) or PoS (majority of wealth deciding consensus for the network aka ETH, EOS etc).
>Imagine 98% of Yas Forums traffic
Done, what now?
Everything is growing: code, community, nodes etc. Its going parabolic anytime soon..
how long does it take to set up a node and shit? this project seems interesting. if i've understood the flips correctly, you decide the pictures and story for random participants yourself? i would probably excel at that.
I liken it with a faucet cause it is literally the captcha coin, and all those functions aren't in development yet "but will be in the future" according to the ANONYMOUS team
Like 1 min
it can be done without a vps, right? do you only have to have the node online for the validation flip whatever period?
..fk i should've read it and not ask here like a tard. :D
Yup you don’t need a vps. Well if you want to mine you have to leave your device on if you’re not using a vps.
I have my pc on pretty much all day, can you reboot it from time to time still?
I Don't have to imagine
>I have my pc on pretty much all day, can you reboot it from time to time still?
You can turn off mining anytime, but if you don't do that you have 45-60 minutes of free offline time until you get a penalty for that.
Ok, sounds awesome. I'll definitely give the project a try. Thanks anons. :)
It's a sleeping giant. No less than a top 20 project.
God tier coin
Shit coin for kikes don't bother
Fuck, I have been browsing biz everyday for the last 2 months and I really want to invest in all these shitcoins. But I have no money and no job
Validate and run a node for free then. Idena validation is on the 4th May. Get in. Don't wait.
And DNA is another shitcoin just like ETH. Remember that
beg for an invite on telegram.discord, make soom flips for them then run the node with invitation - free DNA - go to QTrade and trade if yuou need BTC-cashout at another exchange etc
Beg for invite you lazy shit.
I probably will try. It wouldn't be a problem if my English isn't good enough?
>proof of person
big yikes
Nah, just read the FAQ and make sure you understand the concept of flips and what a good one looks like, you'll have an invite in no time. But even if you don't, people just drop them publicly on the validation day, anyone can get in right now.
Read the AMA, the team is serious as fuck and development has been fantastic thus far. Former BTC lightning network devs, fully interopable with Ethereum. Every sign points to this being fairly big
KYC-less and trustless, all nodes are semi-unique. Only project to do this.
Now I'm ready with the setup. The setup was fast and easy, which is good.
I hastly put together a few flips and it's pretty fun. :)
Now I just have to start hunting for an invite.
fuck it, post an email and i'll send you one
bump for this guy
[email protected]
I'm leaving for about 30 minutes, will be back soon.