CHR is holding strong as fuck since the btc pump

>5btc in buy orders just below market price
>binance listing
>no dump since the btc pump

Why are you not in CHR yet frens? COMFY COMFY COMFY

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i have 1000 (20 dolars worth)

no need to be greedy, frens, just be happy what you've got!

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Even without much capital you still pick the right project fren. 99% of altcoins are scams.. CHR is one of the 1%

Apologize biz we shit on chr and now CZ reveals he holds chr bags

Lol this shitcoin is really gonna 10x isn't it.

3-5x safu
10x if it wins vote

CZ always makes sure his bags pump, load up boys

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I've been filling my bags for weeks with CHR.. I knew something was up when it would moon out of nowhere then retrace every week.


Thx fren.

Let the mental midgets of biz fend for themselves OP. Why tell them at all

Kek some of those buy orders are mine OP. Nobody will sell to me been trying for hours

I'm not buying your bags op fuck off. Link 1000 eoy

Going on binance, still can't pump. Shit's going nowhere, unfortunately.

Time to up your game Yas Forums

CHR is the most bullish lowcap gem you've seen here

Actual revenue generating

Mainnet soon

Staking soon

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They dont know yet

>thinking order books mean anything
>not a confirmed Binance listing
>even if it wins the vote, it's going to dump just like every other winner


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kek 99% of coinsare scams.. Chromia is part of the 1% with a fucking micro cap

This is a legit top 10 project in near future. It's team literally helped create the entire blockchain space and is connected up the ass. 2020 ant shares and it will moon violently upon Binance listing.

Yes indeed freen. indeed.

Actually not lying.

This is going to 2x when it breaks 300 sats I can smell it

Alright which one of you niggers is buying

chekd n kekd

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Lol is this shitcoin really about to do it

Its team literally helped create the blockchain space.

Based and antshares pilled

I would literally retire if CHR did an antshares run

I mean.. it's not completely out of the question yet

This thread is full of stinky curry eating poojeets.

Based n streetshitter pilled

OP here.. Just want to say i am COMFY AS FUCK sitting in CHR during this btc rally.

Me too kek biz can fomo in later

this biz scam got me an easy 2x when some user shilled it

better get the fucking chink listing, ill throw some shitcoins into it