Why aren't you buying tanker stocks?

Why aren't you buying tanker stocks?

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I want to breed a pale ginger

Imagine being perfect and then tattooing your body.

Cette un homme

such as?

That’s a white man
I’m sucker for pale ginger thots
Cumming inside them is the best feeling ever

t.black guy

i don't find her (him?) attractive

Can confirm tanker stock are tanking this morning

And wallah. here's the comment I was looking for.

Oil is mooning. Contango canceled.

why arent you posting webms instead of jpgs?

That’s a woman

the time to do this was weeks ago, why the fuck does Yas Forums always buy high and sell low

sauce? I got monies

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She's young enough that would can tell she's going to get fat and old and shorter when she's older

Stay in your lane, pajeet.
This girl doesn't know she is "perfect". She would need to see 1000 nigger hate threads for it to sink in.
>Cumming inside them is the best feeling ever
>t.black guy
Neck yourself, Jamal.

That's not a man!
Highly fuck able ginger

A reverse split is not "mooning"

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why o why do pretty women ruin themselves with ghetto-ass tats? Its a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer.

Fuck off Chang

straight to the coomer folder

diovana königsreuter

I did, truly recommend.
Also gingers pussies are the cleanest, less smelly and prettiest of them all, for some reason.

God I would smash that to pieces.

I'm already in tankers, based on price activity today, it seems the market doesn't understand what an oil glut looks like yet. Retail running around with its head chopped off trying to rush into the next sector.

We've already won. The market doesn't see it yet

Too bad that’s not a man

she has a disgusting Portuguese accent tho
because of the projections

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is it too late to buy?

Public school indoctrination

because the daily robinhood notifications always tell me they are down 6-10% and I Like my money. Thank you very much, but I don’t want your bags

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w-was that sergey panties?..

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