His Twitter hasn't had a single post in over a month. No new videos of him, no new conferences, no nothing. Where has he gone?
Where is he hiding?
Other urls found in this thread:
in a ditch
died from AIDS
corona chan visited him, together with his 10 male single friends
Being sued and realized he's caught in a scam.
sister assassinated him, obv.
I demand a timestamped pic from jimjim
>where is he
trying to avoid the perjury rap in kleinman case.
having shadders appear and willfully lie to judge in support of creg was terrible move as a ceo.
stopped being civil case at that point and now is criminal.
like any good shifty gook he saw whats coming and now hiding.
>stopped being civil case at that point and now is criminal
Holy shit, really?
yes. you think its normal for ceos to suddenly quit and immediately go into hiding?
the email chain instructing shadders to lie under oath has been secured and implicates jimmy.
its over. creg is going to kill himself.
>threaten to sue everyone and their mom for random bullshit reasons
>everyone gets tired of your shit and delists your scam
>"hurr we need regulations"
Craig you're such a skank little slut.
He's in secured place, to make sure he's able to open THE trust when the time comes. You know, he's one of the trustees.
yes, a number of ex/current nChain employees belong in secured places
>email chain instructing shadders to lie under oath
rent free thread
jimmy got a new job at the bitcoin association
not going to leak docs. but why do you think creg / calvin have been sooooo quiet since last court hearing?
the next big happening? calvin is going to start distancing himself from creg.
paid shills
project ran out of money
>jimmy name is now listed on one of calvin's websites.
why not just publish his address so he can be served?
Are you seriously "trust me, bro"ing me rn?
>shills stopped during covid
notice the moment calvin no longer has need to launder his illegal gaming website money...suddenly all goes quiet with bsv?
Yes, I see Jimmy boasting about his good deeds with the 'Bitcoin Association' every day on Twitter. What? oh. He sure as fuck managed to make it clear he no longer works for nChain tho :0
>nChain? who, me?
thats what lil' Jimmy do
they've been to his address
many times
>Mr Jimmy, Twitchy Curtains Road, I'm Not Really Heresville
Government workers with high risk like boomers don't work in the pandemic.
>He sure as fuck managed to make it clear he no longer works for nChain tho :0
He stopped working for nChain like a year ago
>not going to leak docs.
Because you don't have any lmao
>He stopped working for nChain like a year ago
That maybe true, but it still doesn't change the fact that hes fallen off the face of the planet while a court is trying to reach him.
LOL this is the same kike who makes up random fantastical stories in every fucking BSV thread. He literally just pull shit out of his ass, speaks with authority as if this is factual and says just trust me bro lmao
kys dude
>trying to avoid the perjury rap in kleinman case.
100%, this. He's laying low. If he testifies, he either has to perjure himself or fuck Craig over. He's in deep doo-doo if he's brought into court. The virus gives him a convenient excuse to drop off the face of the Earth. He'll be back when the case closes/moves into settlement.
good luck serving calvin in antigua
Good luck hiding there like a rat under a stone for the rest of his days. Small World, eh?
>for you