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Why do shorters even bother at this point?


get fucked and blown all the way the fuck out pussy

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Let's not kid ourselves, longers are doing it out of greed too. So there gotta be another reason bears seems almost self destructive. Did they arrive at a conclusion and simply refuse to accept they were wrong?

You know how the worst gambling addicts are addicted to the sensation of losing? That’s bobo

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I´ve never though about suicide before, until today

Longers mostly just hold, bears typically try to play both ways out of greed

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y-you're still short, right bros? I'm scared

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They are masochists.

> halving set for May 14
> still bearish

why do you hate money user?

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Hey guys just woke up, ready for buttcoin to crash. It's still at 7400 right?

Why would I be short when I can just hodl?

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8500 is the top retard
do you really think this shit is going to pump further when CNBC is telling normies to buy?
no, kid, this doesn’t work that way

t. 2011 oldfag


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nothing personnel

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8690 is the absolute top srsly

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fuck it actually might be

We've been in a huge uptrend for almost 7 weeks now. We're WAY overbought, as you can see in the huge ascending wedge on the charts. It might go up a bit more, it might possibly even close the CME gap. But then it's going to drop into the crypto abyss. I'm talking like a 70% drop to 3k.

We clown world now Bobo
Stocks only go up

I give it maybe another 3 days before we crash hard

Gonna cap this and hold you to it
I'm all in stocks anyway so I don't have to worry about any calls tanking if true

>buying stocks on the brink of a global depression

oh boi here we go

I'm talking about BTC and I guess other major crypto tied to it. I have no idea when stocks are going to crash, but I fully expect them to do so.

Venezuela had the best performing stock market in the world while it was collapsing.
Funny what debasing your denominator does to asset prices, huh?

Seethe bobo

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Oh well I'm not in crypto at all so you'd know more about that than I would, don't plan on touching those for a while

>legit stocks like Delta who are going to see business more or less resume at close to full capacity over the course of the summer barely rallying from their big dump
>Shitters like Live Nation and AMC rallying hard despite facing potential bankruptcy and permanent loss of business

I can't make sense of it. This isn't just a meme market, it's a fucking mockery. Someone is mocking us. This really is about over-shorted stocks getting pumped thanks to squeezes isn't it.

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You’ll panic buy in at $20k like all the other retarded boomers.

Nope its 9,200 unless we break out of that.