Ok I need something explained. Where does the staked hex go in all this time...

Ok I need something explained. Where does the staked hex go in all this time? And what is preventing Richard heart from running away with everything? Hex is a one man show.

Attached: images (73).jpg (145x197, 8.5K)

nope, you are wrong stake HEX is all controlled by onchain smart contracts, don't be dumb , buy HEX. Richard made for us, get your HEX now!

Attached: photo_2020-04-26_16-17-37.jpg (1080x1080, 83.26K)

wtf is this?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-29 StakeHEX com.png (1570x543, 40.42K)

Richard is pumping HEX obviously to get the ball rolling. Are you saying you don't like the price of HEX going up?!?!?

>Where does the staked hex go in all this time?
staked hex is essentially burned when staked, and is not counted towards market capped. when unstaked the coins are minted again and then become a part of market cap.
>And what is preventing Richard heart from running away with everything?
nothing. if you have balls you will make it.

He’s inflating his own market and recycling Eth. That’s why I refuse to buy it.

Premined shittoken

>Where does the staked hex go in all this time?
some smartcontract tingy cant be fucked with
>And what is preventing Richard heart from running away with everything?
hes already a billionaire, he doesn't give a fuck about our lunch money

Dont give me this cult bullshit. I wanna know because im interested. We dont need your david koresh shit.

Not uf theyre gonna pull the rug under me. Think logically. Only paid shills deal in absolutes.

good user. HEX faggots must prove themselves before we hand them our money

Correction. If you have the balls theres a possibily you might make it. Because this being a scam is also a possibility.

Think about this realisticly anons, this is too good to be true

and we know what will happen......

you could literally mine BTC for free in the beginning. i totally understand the FUD behind this. i got in early and got very lucky. but this could be huge. could lose everything.

I'll pass, good luck with this user, hope you make it

I for one support the God Emperor of Hex, after all what did Vitalik do to pump the price... nothing right? Went on to devote 100% to the OMG shitcoin

I don't quite understand why Yas Forums can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple.

It's certificate of deposit and financial instrument. You can send it and receive it. Just like bitcoin, except there's an actual product: you can lock up your coins for some period of time (akin to a CD). People who don't lock their coins pay some fee in form of an inflation tax. People who lock up their coins pay less of a fee or even see a bit of an increase, depending on how long they lock up.

That's it.

How much is this worth? Simple: it could be worth as the CD market that it correlates with, and how much people use CD's.

HEX has a few thing going for it:
- The locking mechanism might help prevent panic dumping
- It's in the Ethereum ecosystem so it can automatically be used in all protocols that support ERC20
- It's grabs people's attention, if only because of its extravagant creator ("there is no such thing as bad publicity")
- Asia is still sleeping on it. Imagine if they ever FOMO on it.

Attached: pep_synth.jpg (250x167, 8.04K)

>By participating you cannot have any expectation of gain

Pumpamentals are working; price is going up


Is it still worth buying HEX at such price or it's too late?

This is just bitconnect 2.0. I can't wait to see this board seethe when it all comes crumbling down

Pumpamentals never sleep user. My stakes mature 2035

Attached: pampit.png (530x112, 6.44K)

Where can I stake my HEX coins fren?

wait what? in 15 years this wont exist anymore user or you are dead by then

The AA lobby at go dot hex dot win. (add forward slash, question mark, the letter r, equals sign, eth address to get bonus hex)

Attached: _PjR302j_400x400.jpg (400x400, 15.19K)

This bullshit has no liquidity. You will never be rich.

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This is retarded. This has to be a paid shill. Its counter intuitive to biz. They want to get rick quik on shitcoins. 15years I dont buy it this is a shill or richard posting one of his accounts.

and yet you didnt post the stake length

No expectations user *cheers*

Attached: 2035.png (928x282, 116.36K)

counter intuitive eh?

Attached: 20170509_142813.jpg (2560x1920, 906.21K)

It was weird to conceptualize the year 2035 at first but as I staked day by day it became slowly more and more clear to me that short-term thinking is the mental disease of our time