>Normie friends start talking about bitcoin today
guys, this shit is gonna moon
>Normie friends start talking about bitcoin today
guys, this shit is gonna moon
Sell signal
Hodl signal
Last time this happened was the time to start exiting the market. Normie buyers ALWAYS crash the market.
Her dad died to corona virus. Rip
mfw no delicate pure innocent asian gf
I've been trying to figure out why her face is off. I think it's because she has a chipmunk's mouth area.
please tell me she does porn
Wow. Shes so pretty and pure. How would I meet a wholesome woman like this?
Cringe signal
>he doesn't know
Nice b8 mate. Almost fell for that one
Too many dicks down her throat dislocated her jaw
We've been in a huge uptrend for almost 7 weeks now. We're WAY overbought, as you can see in the huge ascending wedge on the charts. It might go up a bit more, it might possibly even close the CME gap. But then it's going to drop into the crypto abyss. I'm talking like a 70% drop to 3k.
She is a half asian
i am allin chainlink, but if this market dips again (which will happen pretty soon, because the coronacrash hasnt come yet) i will buy some NANO and ETH for cheap. because after the dump, there will be a bull market fueled by ETH2.0, LINK and DeFi.
Then normies will come to the cryptomarket and they will look for an alternative to BTC. then they will find NANO, just like it happened in december 2017 and NANO will moon again, which is the point at which i will sell.
She critiques (((Art))) user
>pic related
Thats a man
Based signal
>posting the same bullshit in multiple threads...
Thats a beaner man
That image is cursed. Delete this thread now.
this is what will lead to your ruin sir
>That image is cursed
Why? All women are whores.
Yep everyone is talking about guns gold and BTC.
Fun fact its easier to get BTC then gold lol. The normies who went along with the lock down are getting sick of it.
Actual dev here
Sir you want to buy Ethereum and Zcash hodl nothing else. Listen to the voice of reason inside you not internet frog memes
Thanks for your money, wojak
ok pajeet I can smell your basement from here
sir when someone write like poo they actually not poo
krishna's blessings
meh My friends got into crypto a few months ago and didnt mean anything.
Same, someone asked me if its too late to buy btc, the other week someone asked me how to buy it.
if you were a dev you wouldn't promote zcash.
>"I'm here for the job interview."
Sure because promoting Zcash is what all the Pajeets do. Literally no one talks about Zcash except people on the right side of the bell curve you linktard.
Imagine if bitcoin worked, scaled, wasn't centralized in China, supported a dev team full time, planning to update its tech in the near future to integrate with Ethereum directly with out cross chain bulshit like TBTC.
Zcash is litteraly developed by glow niggers for actual hidden banking use. How can you not be creeped out that a USA based company is designing a litteral perfect money laundering system and no one is even thinking about SEC compliance. They are protected and quite far far to quiet.
As a Ethereum Dapp fag Zcash creeps me out. They are like 10x smarter then us.
But ya don't mind me get back to your Chainlink circle jerk. Enjoy yourself NXT is the future remember.