Whens the Short?

When is this shit going to blow up against tesla?
He was sneaking around fucking Amber behind the back one month after the marriage started.

One week after Amber and Elon are official, Elon bails citing "hearing bad shit about amber" and ditches after a week.

Court dates or during the next SEC filing for the tesla short to 200?

Dude went in with franco and fucked a guys home up.. Gets his law team to infiltrate the Depp legal team, then runs and distances himself as far away, the second he saw the truth about where he put his dick.

This amber heard thing is starting to look like conspiracy..

TMG Group with , Independant Public Relations Group with Gottleib, Bloom, IO, the post-OP MMA fighter Raquel, her sister and all the other enablers.

Will you remember or is this all quietly going under the rug again?

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it already went under the rug

Now. I'm going into low caps for the 2-3x boom (BEAM + UND) then, eh, i dunno. Buy a house or something.

I know, but it's only there until people want to build a case and throw this at him the next time theres a product/production issue.

When is this reemerging?

I'll put it this way, his messages will be leaked in the deposition.. they'll stay behind doors until the next concerted effort to hit elon down a peg.

Tesla is currently way WAY over bought, i feel like this is going to trigger a correction, but not until theyre ready and hes cashed some liquid to cover the downtime

the grimes/black rapper threesome thing was peak depravity and nothing happened dude

Dissapointing, after this year in tesla to put it midly.
But at least if we can narrow the dates we know where the next short is..

They wont trigger it until we're stable in the crisis because it could cause a sell-off of tech stocks if it were to happen during a panic.

Look Harder

Grimes saga is evidence of the media having a hate boner for him.
Thats kinda my point, this blows all that out of the water by miles but that hate boner is repressed

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Fuck it, just placed my short, nothing in the pipes is sending this higher for the short term anyways.

Thanks lads good luck with link

wait wait wait
what makes you so sure this is the time

Because unless they make an announcement about all of a sudden selling a massive amount of some solar panels or cars or batteries (not possible) The price cant go up outside of safe harbour speculation (not a safe harbour stock)

It may go back to 8-900 but i see that as unlikely, theres nothing keeping tesla at a high valuation except good PR, which is soon gone entirley.

Elon will be one of the largest pyramid schemes weve ever seen, its the new enron, just worse

I might be full of shit.

But i dont think so

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I'm never right, so if someone here could explain where im wrong and schizophrenic i'd appreciate it.

You're going to lose all your money just like everybody else before you who tried to short "Teflon" Elon. Your funeral

what black rapper?

azealia banks

I'd normally agree but the media machine is getting ready.

Business insider is setting up primer articles, the sun and the daily mail have both got stories theyre waiting to print


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Lol, not possible. I might lose 10k but i already made 20 on the way up

What I don't get is why as a CEO billionaire is he getting into these relationships with famous bitches? Why not have a harem of hookers on speed dial? Fuck privately, and pretend you're too busy with work for a relationship etc.

my thoughts too
same fud from before that huge pump

how do you know this? and if you don't why aren't you using the phrase "i think" and misleading people?

also, you actually think noone made money on the covid short?

youre fucking insane

>if someone here could explain where im schizophrenic
idk man maybe the fact that you made 10 out of the 20 posts in this topic and keep replying to people multiple times in a row

>Tesla is currently way WAY over bought
>literately the only company with reusable and easily manufactured rocket boosters

tesla is the google of space exploration. wait 5-10 years when hes launching space miners and colonizing mars

Fair point.

I THINK theres more articles coming and more than is already out there. The stuff thats out there is all stewing, if you cant find it you're intentionally finding only what you want to see.

The guys a broke homewrecker. (I love you Elon, I'm sorry!!)


I can take insults all day, im deperate to find ONE logical answer as to why i mightve just thrown away 10 grand that isnt an just ad hominem (again happy to be insulted)

not bezos? who will buy the shell of tesla?

>tfw elon musk is a simp

blows my mind. there's plenty of cunty blondes like amber heard as well

Simp? How so?

I admire them both, I can’t believe there’s such a potent vagina to cause so many hundreds and millions in damages..

She’s up there with Mackenzie bezos with how much money her pussy has cost the world.

Highest priced hookers ever period

So what? It should have a limitless valuation?

Where do you see as being realistic?

Didn't you write above that he basically sent his legal team after Depp? Simp shit