Stock market green days are starting to have reversals into red

>stock market green days are starting to have reversals into red
do you hear the profit taking bulls?


Attached: smart.png (889x832, 970.4K)

Yes I stop selling do to largest amount accumulate largest +% . Finger on the sell button, but as long trend is up I wait and every day is lucrative. So when trend will wend down I will loose day or two sell too late, but I am not selling according to schedule , that is my way to taking risk.

watching perma bears lose all their profits in this is funny, run with the trend is much more lucrative than against


holy fuck can a girl get prettier than this?

dude gotta have mommy issues to be dating a 39yo

Because having his kid would solidify her financial gain


On the surface it's based but it's actually bluepilled
Shes sexy but old af

Because you can't time the market and Kleros will go to 10 cents / Beam will go to $5.

Femaledatngstrategy is a subreddit that teaches women on how to be prostitutes and gold diggers

They refer to tinder as a place where men go to get "free prostitutes"

HVM (high value men) are men who spend money on them. Pay for dinners, holidays, gifts etc.

LVM are men who pump and dump.

The emotions these women feel when they get pumped and dumped are exactly the same as what a prostitute feels when her customer leaves without paying. They feel robbed and used.

>Hey what's up yo guys, PrankInvasion here, my name is Chris

this isn't a shitcoin thread

Apparently this guy is a selfproclaimed DJ with a net worth of 100k to 1M. With the lockdown and all I am thinking he is really not off that well at the moment and that chick looks like an expensive cunt who won't settle for Macdonalds takeaway an some tv.

Her face looks so plastic too.

shes paying for him bruh hes the female version of midelife crisis
instead of buying a motorcycle or a ferrari the roastie bought a young stud

at 26 having 1M is a really good position

>teaches women on how to be prostitutes
All women are prostitutes.

Being a "DJ" is not. Also 100k to 1M. Guys here have 100k in their Robinhood accounts (not me though).

the 26 yr old guy is qualified with "gorgeous" and "millionaire" meanwhile the roastie is just "39 yo shiva safai"...absolutely disgusting. women are shit. mgtow baby. and yes if i need to nut instead of going insane i'll just beat off or fuck a hot hooker in vegas. simple as that.

cmon man use your brain, you really don't realize
1M at 26 is a good position to be in? who cares if he started at 100k, he does that 1 more time and he is done

>roastie infertile grandma
Pick only one retard

It is tho

Especially your mom

>thread starts with stock market
every damn thread on this board always devolves into 2 separate threads one about crypto, one about stocks

it's just so tiring

Cope, libcuck.

Goddamn she’s like a vacuum cleaner with that lips of hers

Hey, libshit
I also hate faggots
That means I’m gay right?

Can confirm your mom is

>fuck a hot hooker in vegas
Enjoy stds

Another redditor



thats a man

Cope with what?