/smg/ - Stock Market General

Losing it edition

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

>Stock market Words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

>Risk Management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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I love cunny and hold 250 shares of TMDX, bros.

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Piss off lolicon




Based cunnychad


sociopathy, insecurity, and yet narcissism combine to make a pedophile

futures tanking
BA earnings may drop the market, any bad tech earnings this week will trigger a selloff

For me, it’s milkers. Cunny is fine too tho.

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>futures cut in half
interesting turn of events! I just want to get this shit over with

Futures are green tho

how do I long cunny user? I gotta know

they were like +1.3% at some point and just cut in half in a short interval

should I sell everything to go into cash, tanker stocks, and bitcoin?

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Cows smell bad. Wanting to fuck a cow is degenerate

If you wouldn’t fuck a 14 year old girl, you belong on redd*t

Cuny is great. Not so with 8 year old pussy.

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stop raping kids

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I’m 50/50 SPY/Link. SPY is for sure a safe bet. Even if it’s a Great Depression I’ll get my money back in a year or two. Link is a good bet but you never know.

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What's unironically the best way to lose money? I'm trying to reduce the balance on my broker's virtual account to match my actual funding. So, that I can try to practice within my actual limits.

You post this in every thread. Are you ESL or a schizo or were you just molested as a child? I love cunny too just fyi.

Are you retarded? I said cuny is good. Not so with children. ADULTS you halfwit. ADULTS is literally what I was talking about

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fuck tipping culture. would rather get charged 20% more on my food than be obligated to tip. fuck restaurant owners for not paying their employees. fuck the united states for condoning it.

I have a sense or morality

Fuck these whores. Girls make like $250+ a night as waitresses. Then they have the nerve to bitch about one bad table

moralfag triggered yet again

>he doesn't hold himself to a higher standard and thinks that just because he wants something he deserves it
kind of a feminine mindset, tee bee h

why will it go up other than brrr or retail? the catpost has a lot of merit. we are at record unemployment, high uncertainty, largest and fastest stimulus, fast af drop and retrace, largest fed balance sheet. Why do you think it will still go up? the downside potential is absurd and likely to be violent. don't just say "oh muh stop losses" sure you can limit your exposure, but the volatility will swing any individual stock up or down 10 percent in a given day. look at fucking Google! You can't say people going short are without reason and stupid without also saying people going long are stupid and without reason right now. it's ludicrous.

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I just shorted Oil blindly at max leverage and I'm fucking green.

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Anyone know Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc ?

I think reddit or tumblr would be more your speed tee bee h

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Kill your self you fucking demon

Yeah I realized after I posted I meant they had a lower PE. Tired rn

It sounds like you know what you’re talking about. I’ll seriously consider those companies. PEP, MSFT, and JNJ still seem kind of overbought for now so I’ll probably forgo DCAing for the time being. I’ll have to look at better analysis tools too. My brother tells me discounted cash flow is pretty much the only one you need I guess. And I’ll probably abandon BTI as well. Maybe I’ll get some energy or utility stocks.

A man of culture

>if I use a meme I saw once on r/Yas Forums I'll fit in right??
fuck off you fucking retard

always a terrible sign

Enjoy riding the newest BGFV/HMNY/LCI/GALT to -50%

the guy saves pictures of nude men as "inspiration"

he preaches about pornography being evil because he couldn't stop thinking about dicks and blames it on the porn

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All women are ungrateful whores that need to be put in their place to become useful beings

Not liking pedophiles is a pretty universal thing. Please stop coping.

I’m so sick of you fucking kike degenerates shitting up Yas Forums. DEATH TO YOUR BLOODLINES

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Time for the Deutsche Bank pill