It's almost back at the ath, only explaination is that covid hit it while it was reaching its price.
Unironically tz pump hasn't even started
wut corn is this?
I saw a 200k XTZ buy on Kraken yesterday at these levels. We certainly are going higher
We're already back to pre-corona sat level
wait, wut, how?
well done fren.
of course we're staking.
>Tezos founders are building their project on other blockchains because they have left the Tezos foundations because there are massive lawsuits against Tezos.
Sell your Tezos and buy CHAINLINK
BTW guys, with the next upgrade Tezos becomes the most advanced project by far. We're basically adding the best tech from Zcash and Cosmos in one update.
Fuck "stacking sats" XTZ is the future.
This is retarded. Nothing you said was true
fuck you schizo
Yes, there's this outcast schizo trying to start a war between chainlink and tezos, don't know why
y'all misjudged the game
Tezos has lawsuits piling up against them and SEC up their ass. It's not unlikely the project will be shut down.
Also it another "ethereum killer" #423.
I can see short-term pump because of the staking, but would hold it more than a few months, because it might go to 0 at any time.
You're better off with LINK.
>same schizo FUDing over and over
fuck you nigger
It isn't FUD, these are facts. Let's take NEO for example. Tezos isn't in any way shape or form better than NEO and does the same exact thing. It's just new and the normies follow the new coins.
Also they never bothered to get a lawyer and did everything to be considered an unregulated security. NEO had to go and buy back all the ICO coins when the regulation came out. Tezos just YOLOed it and is now under SEC investigation.
Can you give me one single argument why Tezos should be in top 10?
Exchanges are not allowing me to buy Tezos because I'm in Jew York. Halp?
im thinking double top and back down.
we just topped out on tezos.
if you look at the btc chart its a double top.
missing out on both? :D .. little does he know..
>1 single thread about tezos
>25 cultists shilling link
I hold link too, why are you single-token-tribe people so retarded? Seriously, you don't convert anyone, you seem a bunch of retards and make seem chainlink a pajeet shitcoin.
Shut up and go back
It’s not even about link. It’s about your money. I just gave you a comprehensive explanation as to why tezos is a shitcoin.
If you want to make money in crypto at this point you should invest into technology and regulation, not follow the shill buzzwords. Your best best is ETH, Link, Atom, Ark and BAT.
By buying copycat shitcoins you’re just buying whale’s bags.
Muh sides
You should probably take some meds bro you’re no detective.
Check the paris blockchain week summit, speakers include binance ceo, the french minister of economy, and both tezos cofounders
>no argument
Thought so. You are doing well proving you are a paid shill and anyone with half a brain should avoid this shitcoin.
neo is a scammy shitcoin with a ton of bagholders waiting to dump on you just to break even
tezos has no bagholders so its easier to pump.
neo is old news, a coin that didnt make it and will be left behind next bull, like so many shitcoins before
Not paid, but you are, judging by all your posts, which is 2 year old fud. You’re also holding shitcoins your argument is null and you’re just projecting
Strange i didn't read a single fud post until tezos surpassed chainlink.
I specifically asked for fud in some thread, not a single answer.
Now that's literally skyrocketing we're full of these people "worried about my money"
I don't get your lame logic, and i don't care.
I can sell my entire tezos or link stash and buy another coin tomorrow, this is not a cult.
So fuck off, opinion discarded.
>Strange i didn't read a single fud post until tezos surpassed chainlink.
even stellar surpassed link kek
Actually they have been very active and 3.0 is about to roll out. Technologically it’s way more advanced than tezos. Also regulation compliant. If having no bag holder is your argument, it’s a shitty one.
Although NEO is a shitcoin, it’s a better shitcoin than tezos. Anything that’s not the real thing is a shitcoin. If you hold tezos instead of ETH you might just buy BSV too.
Every other shitcoin
Tezos is so far ahead it’s not even funny.
I'm in link too, and it's performing very well, so at the moment i keep it.
Was surprised about stellar, honestly, i tought it was a dying shitcoin, but it's showing some strenght.
DoNT bUY oR DIsCUsS wHaT I DonT LikE
>muh shills
>my shitty arguments
eat this buzzword you bag holder
Anger is the first stage of grief. I‘m sorry for your future loss.
Is that some kind of old saying where you come from ranjeesh? Thankful sirs
>hating shitcoins
Go is the first stage of GFY ranjeesh
Now let's get back to us.
If this breaks the $2.90 resistance in the next days, this shitcoin will literally moon.
There's an option in which it retraces too, this makes me uncertain at the moment if i have to increase my positions.