Now that the dust has settled, what is Yas Forums's opinion on masturbation?
Now that the dust has settled, what is Yas Forums's opinion on masturbation?
I hate masturbating a lot. It's a hard addiction to stop.
Bought 100 SPR. Thanks OP.
It’s a waste of energy and I can personally feel the negative impact on my anxiety. People who say it prevents cancer are really grasping.
Been grinding so hard past couple weeks I forgot about it. Had sex a few times during which was very satisfying, including a squirting MILF on BC that I can nut in, but I just went for the ol' manual option tonight and it was very satisfying.
porn addiction turned me into a faggot
It's mostly bad. I would stop masturbating if it was possible to get sex. Its illegal to pay for it and getting it for free is impossible for us incel brahs
Porn addiction is a disease, it messes up your energy levels and gets you used to instant gratification as well as objectifying women. It's also incredibly hard to stop completely.
> really grasping.
Hard. Really grasping their hard, throbbing cock, preventing cancer one wank at a time. It's HaRd work, but it's honest.
One wank a day keeps the doctor at bay.
Wear a rosary around your neck. It will guard you from demons all around and make it much easier to avoid pornography.
the porn industry is just a front for essentially human trafficking and drug networks.
Porn addiction is also a real thing.
It's basically gay sex.
doing no-fap is rewarding and makes me feel awesome. Sex is 100% better. It's challenging and pushes me to better myself physically and mentally. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it's certainly beneficial for me.
Honestly I see chronic-masturbation as a huge issue for zoomies and 20-30 year olds. Girls love to be "sex positive" so they'll never admit this, and guys make millions of excuses like "MY TEST IS TOO HIGH, I GOTTA JACK OFF EVERY 30 SECONDS" - but I'd bet 50,000 Linkies that masturbation addiction is more harmful than beneficial. It's a fucking problem, for men and women. Ruins sex drive, ruins climax for couples, ruins expectations, and I'm ruins sex period for a lot of people.
For the weak
I cant focus unless i coom. I rly dont want my body to be like that, but it is true
You gay bro?
Jerking off = unbased and blackpilled
Riding dildo = based and redpilled
*Now that the lust has settled
Porn is a public health crisis and it will become exponentially more severe over the next decade. When I first found internet porn I was 9 or 10 and it was just low res images of girls in scant bikinis. The rush of was insane, but it mainly manifested as guilt shortly after because it didn't feel right. Think about a young boy of the same age today. Imagine your first exposure to porn being a 4K step sibling video, or any of the other sick fringe genres being pushed by big porn at the moment. We're also on the cusp of mass normalisation of sex work through the onlyfans phenomenon. The stigma is fading fast and soon anyone with a decent following and questionable dignity will be posting lewd content through a subscription service. I think about my younger cousin, he's 15 and follows belle delphine and many other ewhores alike. Soft core porn is everywhere on instagram, the little man never stood a chance. I'm grateful I just missed the hyper-sexualisation of Western culture while my brain was still developing. I don't think enough people talk about this issue honestly. I struggle with porn addiction myself. My new years resolution was no porn and I broke that promise to myself in March. Even though I'm somewhat self aware of my issue it still grips me. It will continue to corrode the core of traditional relationships and families, no generation is safe either.
Masturbation is absolutely vital for controlling the goyim we approve of it
>It's mostly bad. I would stop masturbating if it was possible to get sex.
Stopping when you're getting laid is harder. Know it from experience.
It's always worth it though.
>objectifying women
That's the one positive. from masturbation, it gives you a more realistic perception of most women.
But it's not worth all the downfalls.
>My new years resolution was no porn and I broke that promise to myself in March.
You've jacked off once in 3 months. You're doing fine, the nofap streak thing is a meme that demoralises you after you fail.
Much better to have a calendar showing how many days you haven't coomed.
For me I really only do it when im not getting consistent sex, but I wont do it when im fucking often, even then I dont usually want to do it but its decent to do and relieves a little stress to do it every once in a while
Not really, you can't really expect a meaningful relationship if your girl is equal to your house or car. Zoomers are so blackpilled, I wonder if a successful marriage is even possible to conceptualize for them kek.
>look carefully at the coomer
>now look at this
> you can't really expect a meaningful relationship if your girl is equal to your house or car
I've seen so many men choose the wrong partner due to being too horny, idk. Most women are objects, not sure if nofap is helping you filter through them.
I'm married and have a kid btw, so I agree with you.
>Most women are objects
Yea, most of them are unfortunately products of a broken society. The way they act is essentially on par with an object. I do think nofap will help dudes see the quality ones as more than a hole though, and that's pretty important.
I do it more often when I am stressed. Picture related. Longest no fap period over past 365 is 45 days off and 3 days in a row.
Being nearly 33, my peenor don't work as good as it used to. Also, no sex outside a gj from a channer guy friend years back over the past 7.5 year.
Anybody else track it and other activities?
What's this app? Is it ad free / no permissions?
Well theres no cleaner high than masturbating to 2D that’s what I’ve found out
Called Daylio. Contains ads unless you pay $5 or $10. No permissions asked for, so you're good there.
I have it ask me how I'm doing at the end of the day and what I've been up to. Pretty neat way to track what you do day to day.
I have no opinion
it's just something I do 7 times a day
Aren’t these apps typically for reenforcing good habits? I would think it would have a negative effect if you tracked bad habits.
i only admire one couple out of the ~dozen that I've spent a lot of time with. the rest are just cope trash heaps where they don't understand or complement each other and are in a perpetual struggle for power. there's no love or future for those people, the man constantly gets browbeat and given bad trades so that his girl can get fat and waste money on homemaking bullshit like pottery bard. there's no way in fuck i'm going to risk my freedom for a 1/10 chance of having a tolerable relationship with some chick.