What's the worst financial decision you've made?
What's the worst financial decision you've made?
Spending $400 to have a shemale fuck me.
Thats a man
>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>"What's the worst financial decision you've made?"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on
Getting a debit card
i bought btc at 18k
not selling Jan 2018
Purchased 5 figures worth of calls without hedging the bet, lost nearly all of it.
Is that a lot of money?
$200 to fuck a prostitute and cum after 30 seconds
and then doing it again
Oh man where to begin...
Trusting my ex-wife is probably at the top.
But I can't ignore the "thought about mining bitcoin ten years ago then decided not to" decision.
Selling my presale link at 60 cents instead of waiting to become a multimillionaire.
Bought a bunch of shares of GE, and GME (not at the same time) just before they cut their dividends. I learned the hard way what a dividend trap is.
Went on a 4000$ month long vacation instead of Buying Ether when it came out
>only knew about Bitcoin and didnt even think about it
Buying crypto in December 2017
im genuinely interested in hearing more about your experience user, do share
i cum in that guys face after choke face fucking him til he cried and threw up.
Got high for like 3 months and bought a bunch of random shit, racked up about $12,000 in credit card debt
Going to college, 100%. No meme degree either. Anyone who says college is a good idea is complicit in the scam and should be executed.
For me it was.
Frequenting Yas Forums
Visiting Yas Forums as a impressionable teen in 2005. I’ve never left....it’s been the worst thing I’ve ever done.
Clicking on this post. Thats a man, seriously gross mydude.
Remember that empty feeling after the first time masturbating? It's that but 100x worse.
Al dente as fuck
I've never made a financial decision in my life.
yoloing over 30k into calls expiring the next day and buying with leverage the next year and selling the bottom, that was an additional 16k
Taking out a $100k personal loan to buy crypto in early 2018.
>Had $5k in cash, in '95.
>Could have bought Apple at it's lowest
>Bought a new car instead, because everyone said Apple was going out of business.
Being young, with money burning a hole in your pocket. God damn it.
Anyone have the cap of the guy who paid like 50euro to have a tranny rape him for like 30 mins?
HAHAHAHA Are you serious????
Well yeah you fucked up but to be fair, Microsoft someone bailed out apple to a certain extent
Mass replies should be banned. Same for trying to force such a lame meme
Same, although I paid about $150. Both times were with black """women""" and was embarrassing as fuck and highly unenjoyable.
The third time was me topping a relatively passable white girl (male) from OKCupid until I got soft because I had to go really slow with a condom on. We eventually stopped because (((she))) gripped her ass in agonizing pain after about 15 min of penetration and ran to the bathroom. We awkwardly said goodbye and never spoke of it again.
Do yourself a favor and keep fantasy where it belongs: in hentai doujins. I had to learn the hard way. If I go to Thailand, I might reconsider though since Asians really do pass the best.
I sold the 24000 Antshares that were my first crypto investment, they soon become Neo, and yeah. I was originally stoked selling them for $9 each before the swap. I was used all my savings to buy them at $0.12. I was only 17 and only brought them because I liked the name. I have made a lot of money off that sale but It wasn't as good as it could have been.
You gotta pay for the hour, not per ejaculation. You can negotiate this prior to meeting you know. GFE is also highly recommended.
here. Can confirm. It still took me 3 times before I got it thru my skull that hentai doujins and real life are not the same fucking thing.
what car did you get?