/smg/ - Stock Market General

Free oil edition

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

>Stock market Words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

>Risk Management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Thank you for fixing the OP.

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I only respect cunny, bros.

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How do I short niggers, /smg/? Long GEO? Long YUM so they died of coronary artery disease sooner?

Did Baggie kill himself for real?

live for cunny
die for cunny

Bears in suicide watch again


line go up or line go down after coofening

>proper OP
I'm home again anons.

Up seems to be the zeitgeist of the time. It amuses me how angry this is making the contrarian types.

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>tfw tanker chad

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>1 post by this ID
airplane mode? Now that's what I call autism 420

someone help, ever since I started investing in stocks every time I spend any money I keep thinking about how I could have put that money into more stocks, I am even considering selling some of my stuff off that I don't use.


I bought at +10% yesterday, am I fuced?

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What are you selling user?

I do a cleaning, selling, and goodwill donation spree once every few years. If it has been in storage for over a year without use, with no plans for future use, and no sentimental value, I dispose of it. Even so, a lot of stuff winds up in the "plans for future use category" on plans that have existed for years and I still intend to get to them... at some point... when the time comes.

Does it strike anyone that bears are the manlets of the stock market? They literally NEVER learn their lessons. They're always seething and prefoming mental gymnastics to cope.

Yeah, bears are the manlets of the stock market.

naisu posto!!

Nice job bro!

Though I like taiga. Ultimately best girl but Redhead is pretty fuggin great!

>every time I spend any money I keep thinking about how I could have put that money into more stocks
This is the correct mindset to have, and eventually it might expand to cover other asset classes. But it's the key to accumulating wealth until you actually have the capital where spending money like that becomes insignificant.

Don't get carried away just yet, and enjoy your newfound vision.

Congratulations, user. You're on "the path"

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Rate my portfolio biz.

How long do I have to sit on these positions till I make it.

40 shares of OKE
20 shares of RDS.B
30 shares of RTX

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yeah, I have an xbox one and a tv + surround system I never use, a mountain bike that's been sitting in my garage for years, a spare lawn mower, an old laptop, cross country skis, holy shit I just realized how much shit I have lying around that I never use.

When I first started investing I had the same thoughts so I did a deep dive into my budget, recorded every expense for 3 months, categorized each and started looking around for where I could cut spending. Ended up shaving $300 a month off all my expenses, all of which went into stocks. That was 10 years ago and I estimate that I’ve turned that $300 a month saved into $80k, hard to tell though as it just mixes into the rest of my folio.

Are people really this stupid?

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>He baught.
No my friend. Do more research!


I'm confident he can make green line go up, yes. just like greenspan

but if oil goes up i get fucked because of the daily rates
what do you think of KNOP? they look interesting and haven't exploded in price yet and have a 15% dividend right now

The mountain bike is interesting. Also, remember to wipe your hard drive before selling user.
>bicycle captcha

18 months

You can >brrrr all you want but the truth is the fed made the right moves. If you want to see what the wrong financial moves where when faced with a crisis, look how Truman handled the Great Depression. Approached it with the “oh everybody will just pick themselves up by the bootstraps eventually!” mindset, which caused misery, poverty, and starvation like this country will never see again.

Def have to consider their fleet size. How does it compare to the big boys like Euronav, Frontline and etc? Also what did you mean by the oil price and daily rates?

How big will my gains be user or am I a fool?

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They have a small fleet but are shuttle tankers which are bigger than product tankers and they haven't had the explosive run up like other tankers yet. I read that mid range tankers are earning even more than VLCCs or Suez Max because those giant tankers are running out of space too.
>Also what did you mean by the oil price and daily rates?
We generate revenues by charging customers for the loading, transportation and storage of their crude oil using the vessels in our fleet. We provide these services under time charters and bareboat charters.

Each charter is a contract for the use of a specified vessel for a fixed period at a specified daily rate.


Hoover also knew that the stock market was fucked with the 10:1 leverage before the crash and rigged by the elites in wall street but chose to do nothing. No wonder why FDR got 4 terms

>the truth is the fed made the right moves.
considering the choices available, I have to agree.

The treasury and congress though made the wrong moves for the public good, and we are seeing them line their pockets as should be expected.

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HOOVER, fuck if I was at my old catholic high school I would’ve just been whooped good