Are you Mentally Free to trade in whatever you wish or are you a slave to the state & the God you worship call...

Are you Mentally Free to trade in whatever you wish or are you a slave to the state & the God you worship call government

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>t. deluded sick fool

I don't understand the question

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STFU statist

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i like cocaine.

based Jackalposter

Are you trying to single out drug dealers?
Who're you the DEA?

Unfortunately the state has a near monopoly on the use of force. They’ll shoot you, if you’re lucky(?) you’ll live and go to fuck me up the ass prison.

Nice serbian pap

I unironically wouldn't mind getting into organized crime

>Trading Drugs
>Retarded Nigger detected
Nigger I get paid sometimes 20k a month on top of my salary engineering position to do side work on the weekend solving math problems for systems balancing. Why are you a retarded poor nigger that needs to sell drugs ?

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Stop being a nigger

but are you FREE you masters are rewarding you now that doesnt mean you are man to CHOOSE you are simply a dog currently being rewarded

Just by your response means you are a slave immediately demonizing

thinking more of the mob or a machine

stop being a slave

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Yes of course I am free
I dominate in my field and name my price.
don't complain about life if you're just going to work some wage cuck job doing shit all day that makes you easily replaceable.
The mob is a bunch of niggers.

see I'm not a slave, you are the slave because you're obviously a poor fag .Recruiters and managers suck my dick to work for them as a specialist. what the fuck do you do ? Work at target or roofing or something probably.
Get some real job skills.

ARE YOU FREE TO CHOOSE TO GO AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT RULES & by the way you see crime as something NIGGERS do tells me no


The only authority I recognize is the LORD

still a slave just a very comfortable slave

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>Behaving like a nigger
>Behaving like a caveman
>Behaving like a nigger caveman

>sells drugs made by slaves
>thinks he's the good guy

Nah bro. Grow weed if you like but peddling coke comes with a human cost. Your ethical arguments fall flat when you participate in the removal of agency from other people.

I mean I do trade in certain commodities, but I'd hardly call it free to do so.

I’m not sure that theft of agency is a defensible argument. Short of legit human slavery the choice is always work or starve, or be babysat by the state in the current year paradigm if you are so fortunate as to have drawn well in the sperm lottery.


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Retarded question. Of course a human is free to trade whatever he wants, just not protected from competition and opposition, which isn't only the state.

>user was later found in a river

God I miss not being sober, that picture is what 50% of addicts dream of the other half are hippies.

is that shit on the bottom left a bunch of fresh mozarella?

A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal

IS that real??