My wife and I make over $100,000 USD/yr together...

My wife and I make over $100,000 USD/yr together, and yet it still seems like buying our first house is going to cost so much god damn money. As you can imagine, we live in a high cost of living part of the country for our work and it's still going to take a few years of saving to come up with a down payment. I can't imagine how people doing worse than us buy homes around here. Seriously, is home-ownership a pipe dream for people in their 20s? When are boomers going to die and free up the housing market? Help me with these feels

Attached: crack mansion.jpg (1200x675, 135.28K)

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100k a year total isnt that great for most high cost of living areas.

$100k is jack shit in 2020, average income was $127k in 2018.

Look up "inflation"

>is home-ownership a pipe dream for people in their 20s?
Yes, but maybe not for much longer. The system is collapsing, buying now is the dumbest thing you could possibly do.

Margin yourself and purchase you poorass degenerate

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get a side job, upgrade your skills, budget to the last penny, penny pinch, move, ask for a raise, ask for more hours, lower your expectations for your first house.
That should get you started. If I think of more I will post

man it takes 2 of you to make 100k? jeez thats pretty bad.

We both went to grad school; in STEM. It's nuts

Owning a home is a pipe dream for anybody under age 40. Retirement is also a pipe dream. You’re in cradle to grave slavery, good luck

ah, so your both at start of careers? thats different then. Perhaps you guys should just rent, unless you guys are really dead-set on living at one particular place.
Good luck, i read a thread on boglehead about some dude who made the math work where he just adjustable mortages the house and tacked the downpayment to the end and invests the rest.

Listen to this guy. Buying right now is the dumbest thing you could do.

Yes we are very much at the beginning of our lives and will continue to rent for awhile. I'm just trying to not lose sight of the American Dream (tm)

I bought mine at 32. 300k. Get a job.

honestly, once you guys are ready to have kids thats when you should consider a house. I bought a house at 29 by myself and it was a massive time sink that I was not prepared for. Eventually you just buy shit just to maintain the house, like tools, lawn equipment. With renting you can still enjoy being free to do anything u want while you are young, as well as invest the savings you would have lost to insurance, house payments, and unexpected repairs

Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks user. I wonder why millennials don’t just get jobs

Home ownership, children, retirement

Choose 2 unless you are very high income

There are better times to buy than others, but buying is always better than renting. No exceptions. So if you are worried just buy a cheaper house and keep a few years payments in cash so you can weather any storm.

You have to figure out how to up your income. Housing prices are just going to keep increases faster than you can save on a low income. The longer you wait the worse it will get.

You know this is some good upside that I don't focus enough on; thanks user

Go back to pol boomer retard

Dont get swallowed by greed. A mortgage payment is for suckers and look at what is happening now to the suckers with a mortgage. 30 million unemployed people in 1 month.

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listen up you entitled millennial. you aren't "entitled" to a house, you aren't "entitled" to a job, and you definitely aren't "entitled" to my wealth. get a loan and buy it at face value. you aren't getting a damn cent off the listing price. Can't afford the loan? Get another job.

why? interst rates record low?

you don't make that much
also you need to spend less

buy a house out of town for less and a 2000 toyota camry for commuting

Only way to not pay a mortgage is to buy with cash, because by renting you are just paying your landlord's mortgage plus extra for their profit margin.

Bitconnect can literally only go up, and the rate of up can literally only go up.

Dont worry, the real estate bubbles always come to an end.

Depending on your area and prices, it may make sense to rent vs buying

The simple truth is places with low property taxes and property taxes freezes / building restrictions suck for home buyers. It allows boomer who owned property before these laws were in place to live off real estate gains and screw younger folks.

>is home-ownership a pipe dream for people in their 20s?
uhhh no you can easily afford a house even if you make like 40k a year and are single. It would take less than a year of saving up your money while living with a relative/family/friend to afford a down payment for a starter home.

The trick is to buy a house that you can actually afford in a low COL state.

desu OP i would wait until your incomes equaled at least 200k. it sounds like that could be on the horizon already with your level of education. just take the time in between to live WELL below your means and save as much as you can. living dat 30k lifestyle isn’t all that bad especially when you know it won’t be forever and you will have something very worthwhile at the end of it.

>join us lower class trash OP we’s all kind folk n can learn you to shoot a gun an such

Jpow will turn the dollar into monopoly money before he lets housing prices decline. I would be terrified to be a renter right now. Having a really low, fixed payment for 30 years out is incredible peace of mind. Especially once you save a few years of payments. You can loose your job or w/e and know that nothing can happen to your home for years. You can refinance for

Depending on where you live you might be better off just saving/investing in other things until you have a big enough deposit so mortgage repayments wont make you want to neck yourself. The game has been rigged against first home buyers for ages, try not to be emotional about it. Focus on building your careers as your combined income is really at a graduate level.

I live in Sydney where property has been a scam for ages, I can rent somewhere awesome way cheaper than a mortgage would be for it, and still be able to travel and have fun. I personally dont see much point taking on a fuckload of debt to live somewhere with a long commute and to have my car broken into regularly. In australia people have an obsession with housing and sign up to be slaves to the banks.

Our combined household income is north of 300k so no im not a bitter poorfag either.

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Me too

>Live in Long Island Jew York
>dilapidated fixer uppers are 350,000 with 10,000 a year taxes
>Make under 50k a year

Fuck this boomer hell

It's definitely easier to blame everything else.

>I'm just trying to not lose sight of the American Dream
Hate to break it to you user but that's not an obtainable thing for us anymore.

>rigged against first home buyers for ages
compared to whom?
>Sydney where property has been a scam for ages
people like you always make this allegation, yet don't provide evidence on a 'normal' price for housing in large metropolitan areas
>taking on a fuckload of debt
one of the reasons to take on debt at a young age is to leverage it. If you have the stomach.