Want to show 12 yo cousin what crypto and chainlink is on my computer

>want to show 12 yo cousin what crypto and chainlink is on my computer
>she comes to my room
>mom yells “keep the door open”

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Pretty bullish for link desu

Based mom knows what’s up

Not sure if mom is based or not.

when did she find out?

usb line?
ill show it to you later.

>>mom yells “keep the door open”
What, are you a pedo?

What are you playing at here user ?

Maybe it's the same user looking for you's.

Fuck her anyway

He should fuck his mom

your mom is kind of a piece of shit

Hehe thanks user

He spams this on Yas Forums as well

his mom sure thinks so

The secret Yas Forums server link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview John McAfee this week. Join.

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Close the door anyway

Fuck pedophiles lel

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are you American?

I'm right handed, 5ft8, 95iq, and all in chainlink. Am I gonna make it?

>All in chainlink
pedoanon I...

Is it illegal to shill LINK to children on recess outside schools? Asking for a friend.

not a pedophile sympathizer and i haven't seen the studies, but it wouldn't be very easy to study pedophiles would it? You could study all the caught or registered pedophiles, which is obviously not a representative sample. On the other side you will have guys who don't get caught and are running the show, people like epstein and friends who are clearly not unintelligent, short, left-handed, etc.

>all in chainlink
> 95iq
9.5iq you mean

>pssst hey kid wanna see my oracle?

>The elites
They only make up like .1% of the population though. This meme is more of a pop shot at basement dwelling loser pedos (the ones most common on our beloved Yas Forums).

>want to show 12 yo cousin
Why the hell would you do that? Are you grooming the fucker or something?

I blame the Aristocrats

how do you get grooming from showing how chainlink/crypto works

That's my point. Neither one is a representative sample. I'm assuming that the study only studied inmates or registered sex offenders, in which case, obviously they will have a low IQ.


Cuz cryptofags are usually pedos

>hey mom, next time you have a shower leave the door open kay?

Piss her off and gross her out at the same time and she'll shut the fuck up

>Go over to cousin's house when I was a teenager
>She's a year younger than me
>She asks my uncle if she has to keep the door open
>He says no

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user you're supposed to exaggerate IQ and penis size on the internet. If you're 95 you need to tell people you're 140.