/smg/ - Stock Market General

Corona has literally cancelled all of my potential income for the foreseeable future (I was working in the music industry). I applied for unemployment as soon as I could but now it's been 6 weeks with no response. I really don't see the music industry picking back up again any time soon, and I'm starting to get the feeling that my unemployment case has completely fallen through the cracks. I have about $5000 in cash saved up but otherwise I don't know what the fuck to do. If I have to keep paying rent and other expenses, and have zero opportunity to bring money in, what now? I don't even have enough to build out a tiny house or something and fuck off.

Anyone else in this position? Anyone got any money ideas for a post-corona world? edition


>Stock market Words

>Pump and dump advertising

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Post your animal spirit!

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>But user, tankers are a pump and dump
Wrong. USO is a pump and dump. If you buy USO you are knowingly buying the obligation to accept oil delivery when no storage exists. Where you gonna put the oil user?
>USO will roll the contracts
USO has controlled 30% of the oil expiry at times who the fuck are they selling to with demand down by 30%?
>But user, they flipped their contracts forward already
Yes, to July and they need to roll 40% of their portfolio soon. Oil funds are blowing up everywhere who is the buyer?
>How come prices are still postive if its as bad as you say
Because USO is literally creating a bid for producers to sell into. Producers Dont give a shit where the oil goes. They are well hedged. They just need a sucker to take the other side of the bet. You own USO? You are that sucker
>But user, the regulators would let this happen
THe regulators dont care about you. Wall street is making a killing off these ETPs and youre paying for their lakehouse
>What do?
Buy motherfucking tankers. As much as you can. WHen USO goes to roll their contracts we could see -$100 oil. MINUS ONE HUNDRED
>How do tankers profit?
USO fools pay tanker companies $100 per barrel to take the oil. Then said tanker company shorts the next month at $15 and gets paid $115*2Mbarrels to do nothing for a month.
>What if next month collapses
Then the tanker company buys back the contract at MINUS ONE HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS again and shorts the next month.

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Long tiddies, you cant loose

you have to go back

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Thats another $230M dollars PROFIT on a VLCC worth$120M
>How long will this last user?
Years. THere is going to be a 2B barrel supply glut in storage. If demand goes 10M barrels over supply how long will it take to work off that glut? 200 days. Thats after the economy gets roaring again which isnt anytime soon
>But user if this is such a good trade why isnt it priced in?
Because NOBODY is watching the tanker market. Every retarded zoomer is invested in SPY VOO and QQQ because
>WHen does this pop off?
Next week when its revealed STNG is earning the market cap in profit every 60 days
At $200k per day spot(you are here) DHT pays $1.50 per quarter dividend. That is $6 per year on a stock trading at $8.08 right now
Lets say worst case a company is worth 5x their dividend. That means the DHT 15c December is a 15 bagger.
Lets say its worth 10x dividend. Ok DHT is $60 and the dec call is a 45 bagger.
Lets say earnings go to $2M per day. Not impossible at -$100 oil. $DHT pays $15 per quarter in divvy. that company is worth $300. You could make a a 40 bagger WITH SHARES
>But user its all priced in
Its not even close to priced in


Reminder: Next quarter will be WORSE.

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thotmarket is hitting ATH. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS user.

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There is no going back now

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You get the one from my folder that comes closest

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Just buy NET you fucking retards, this is a $40 stock going for 23.
Why the fuck don't you own it? Do you not like freedom?
Do you not like a underdog story?
Cloudflare is the little guy who's standing up against GOOGLE and AMAZON, the little guy who believes in FREE SPEECH and THE AMERICAN DREAM.
Imagine not believing in this company an absolute David among International GIANTS.
The are a Versatile company that is the cutting edge of DDOS protection.

You're blatantly trolling if you don't own at least 10 shares of this stock MINIMUM. Especially when its on sale. Pathetic.

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You can 4x your money in a year if you go all in on CCL. That's crazy to me. I wish I had more to put in

Priced in.

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Checked. I posted this same timeline the other day here, but the order of events is as follows:
> Boeing reports tomorrow
Meaning the market crashes the rest of the week. This will accelerate the tech sell off alongside their numbers. That's close to word for word what I wrote over the weekend in one of the threads. Well, the numbers on the tech side are out, the sell off has slowly began, and now tomorrow Boeing accelerates it by crashing the market as a whole.

How should I reinvest my RTX position? I feel like there is a big opportunity cost holding it long; I can make more money swing trading.

Oh shit...
I ordered it black because I want to see you express the milk with my own eyes.


Fuckin based.

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Ford gonna get in the 4s ford would feel a lot better down there.

R.I.P. best Korea.

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I like long tiddies, but I also like short tiddies. How do I cope with this?

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I bought 1000 at 23 but maybe I should have waited until it drops to the 8-10 dollar range

>peter's schiffs podcasts are now him talking about gold for an hour to unload his bags on his listeners and REEEEEING whenever someone mentions bitcoin
Boomertarians are still boomers at heart.

>Cloudflare is the little guy who's standing up against GOOGLE and AMAZON, the little guy who believes in FREE SPEECH and THE AMERICAN DREAM.
*shuts down 2times4chan*

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>Cloudflare is the little guy
Stoped reading there
You are a certified retard

Domorrow is da day of red benis:----DDD

>Buy MSFT to sell some safe CC as always
>It plunges
At least I did not use AMD this time

Is it TVIX time guys?

except cloudflare is the worst thing to exist right now unironically
defends illegal shit and even child porn "muh freedom"
chinese spying with it

Checked but completely off topic
Why do you insist on updating us on that shill every day? No one cares.

Can’t believe this fucker was tricking retards into buying $25 silver coins before a massive deflationary shock and during a manufacturing recession kek

And these fuckers knew that they were buying coins FROM HIS BUSINESS, like they were thanking him for all his shilling.

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I don't know what to believe anymore. This market is being even more bananas than usual.

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>1 hour after market close
>all of the screaming children are already gone
jesus christ

maybe. keep an eye out.

>Why do you insist on updating us on that shill every day? No one cares.
First time I have posted about him here. I am just really bored when the NYSE closes.

chill bobo, one more big pump (the one tonight isn't big), and it will be your turn.

reminder that NAT is a shitcoin and go in on DHT and FRO

>buy tanker stocks
Which tanker stocks?
I already own 1k KOS at 0.93 and 200 HAL at 7.47. Also scooped 200 ENBL today for 3.78

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i dunno, that might have been it. It looks like it was a false breakout. Nasdaq might form a death cross. Dow has a horrible daily candle.

holy shit dow was down 32 points

There wont be another big pump. Only 1-2% green days and over all more red days. Slowly bleeding everyone out of their positions until new lows is tested in a few months.

Soon friend, the bulls will be slaughtered and we will feast before the great hibernation.

Someone please tell me that ET isn't just a meme.

DOW and Daq are going down. I can guarantee this because I bought puts on Spy and not the others.

Anyone else going to FOMO into Ford if they hit $4?

>tfw green futures for tankers and RTX

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seems like it topped, kinda like nasdaq. we'll see what overnight does. S&P might be my least favorite if i was long.

Hello m8ies

What happens to my USO call options after the split? I'm assuming the strike rate will proportionally go up in price and number of contracts will be reduced. For example, if i have 80 contacts with strike rate of $4, I will have 10 contracts with strike rate of #32. Correct?

My favorite part is how he only does live podcasts on red days. If there is 1 red day in a week you can be sure that's when he'll be live at 4:01PM.

Kek, googl up over 6% AH now. Get rekt bears.

need something to watch while i eat babyback ribs

Is 4.01 Ford’s ATL?

Is this guy in OP teh_profits?

I'm not your m8ie, guy

Biden + Hilary 2020
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>Biden + Hilary 2020

Have you checked out their earnings? They are done. Srly done.

>found online thot network company
>go public
why has no one done it before? I think I'm going to do it soon anons, finishing some other projects here and there first. $THOT seems to be free.

Are the AMD earnings for Q1 already known. The event is starting in five minutes. How does this usually work?

Do you seriously think the govt will allow Ford to fail? Do you not remember all the bailouts for auto companies in 2008?

oh no no no
did GOOGL puts guy hang himself

If Ford gets bailed out I don't think any American car company will ever be incentivized to actually make money
Especially Tesla

Its over drumpfster fires, time for the first undead president and first female lich VP. You cant stop progress.

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Worked really good for the GM stock holders. LOL

Probably some silly shit with JCP.

2% is a big pump. And we still need a wave 5 which will give us 60 to 120 pts off the lows.

Oh fug :-DDDD

Does dis mean de ES & PEE durn indo red benis :-DDDD?????

I gues I am bear now :-DDDDD

I know Hertz is in very bad shape but this seems crazy

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>the great hibernation
AKA the next 30 year bull run.

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Guise I morbed into bear :--DDDD

I am in gread bain :-DDD

Gill me :-DDD

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Bought Ford 4.80$ liquidated today most of it. imho it should eventually go higher because it was $9ish before crash.
Given it was on a steady decline it should still be just under $9.
If management cleans up shit with Corona they can possibly turn it around.