Did anyone else get that email from legendary Wall Street trader Robert P. Waldon? Shit blew my fucking mind. I read the entire thing and I was left speechless. Is this really gonna happen bros? It looks fucking legit, and I know this guy is the real deal.
Robert P. Waldon also disregarded the bitcoin stock to flow chart. Called it "the greatest fraud in charting history", and a rouse to fool the dumb money into shorting when the price blows past $1,000,000.
yes S2Fx just confirmed it. 288k is just the middle, top will be 1M
Hunter Hughes
> over 20 million for one coin > one random user selling 0.5 btc bought at teh top in 2017 need to find 10 millions USD worth of buyer to not crash the market yeah that will happen
Charles Williams
yes during the apcalypse ufos and wizards will teach new techniques and money just won't be needed for non-npcs
Adam Reyes
in what universe though and why?
Evan Jackson
ckecked and based
Ian Morgan
Jack Fisher
100% accurate
Christopher Hughes
>someone spent more than 5 minutes of creating this pathetic ruse
Adam Gutierrez
Source? or screenshot of this email?
Logan Martin
I’m going to kill myself because of you
Easton Wilson
Caleb Evans
how the fuck do you even buy btc
Owen Harris
al dente bait
Zachary Ross
>someone >Robert P Waldon
kek ok bud i'll be back at 3:30 to pick you up! dont forget to be nice to the yard duties!
Jordan Collins
Actually this is exactly what happens, hell it would'nt be the first time. user speaks the truth also check & check’em
Brayden Bennett
But a candy bar costs $20 in this timeline correct? This looks like the most fucking delusional chart ive seen. Dont get me wrong, id love it, id be a fucking billionaire. This is just pure fucking delusion
Hudson Myers
I'm a permabull, probably a delusional one that even believes in the $10 million bitcoin endgame (eventually, after decades), and while I'd love for this prediction to happen... even I recognize how retarded this prediction is.
Jacob Torres
The more you know
Kayden Johnson
What the hell is this "box theorem"? Can't find anything about it anywhere else. Only something about "darvas box" but it doesn't look like it's the same thing.
Colton Lee
They don't need to, DUMB TARD.
Cameron Thomas
You didn't get the email. You're not in the club.
Ryan Rogers
you must be over the age of 18 to post here
Elijah Thomas
this is actually going to happen we made it lads
Jack Price
Robert, please, I beg of you. Didn't there used to be an email field on the chinz?
Nicholas Clark
>500 million dollar BTC Not a chance in hell unless the dollar hyperinflates to near worthlessness
Matthew Powell
My child.. That was once the case.
Jace Diaz
>unless the dollar hyperinflates to worthlessness
Um, user...
Jacob Flores
how much does someone get paid to post Wobert b Baldon threads?
Liam Cooper
Unironically this, link still useful though, we just wont need a conncept of monetary value anymore with free energy etc