ITT: Things cryptofags will never experience

ITT: Things cryptofags will never experience

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Fresh air

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>Literally increases in value
>Retarded investment

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Nothing I have experienced everything and will continue to do so for eternity. Iv China white, lobster, gambling, champagne, 98 percent cocaine, prostitutes and infinite spending. Everything infinite everything.

who told you that?

Yes they will

>being white

t. 0 IQ

jesus christ OP
just goes to show again that money can't buy taste

That guy looks retarded with his stupid haircut and that $30 armband.

>owning a car and a nigger tier watch

yes, crypto-CHADS will never know this

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If this is how you measure success then you have actually failed.

OP and you all have failed. This is not only nigger tier shit, it is completely ridiculous. All of it. Do you understand that people who have lots of money do not drive around in lamborghinis? Life is not a rap video. And really rich people do not want to show it. aren't swiss
2. nice paragraph written on your (((watch)))

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>Getting rich but living like a poorfag

LOL. What's the point?

Let me guess you could also have sex with any girl but you choose to be a virgin?

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isn't this car like 12 years old?

What did you do to get your stack?

oy vey

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Just look at the jawlines on those men

What's the point? To enjoy your life user.. and if you need a Lamborghini to do that, I pity you. It has nothing to with having class. You know how niggers think having class means showing expensive things and cars? Real class is NOT to show it, whilst knowing you can buy 100 lambos if you fucking feel like it

it's so boring to drive a car

having a driver is cool

I have a rolex that I bought with my TRX gains back in 2018

I don't wear it anymore, my gf loves it and she wears it sometime

my gf is 22 y/o so she is a kid

Lol is that moot?

But it's fun to drive a fast car. Why work hard to get rich if you never do the things you enjoy?

Sure it is. And if you want to drive a fast car, you will. But not to be seen in it, or drive it to brag like a scumbag nigger

if bitbean moons will I be able to get a gym membership or will I always have little boy arms

Gotta show off to anonymous people on the internet. That's exactly at the level of nigger tier materialism.

one thing that seems not to have its way here yet is this: no matter how wealthy you are, you never show it. The less you show off, the better you are.