/smg/ - Stock Market General

tankerchads assemble edition


>Stock market Words

>Pump and dump advertising

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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I prefer my boat thx

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to think the only reason anything goes up today is because of retard retails and their phone apps defaulting to above market prices on the order page

reminder that NAT is a shitcoin, buy FRO and DHT

Anyone know a lightweight site/app that allows multicharting?

watch this

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Is ford pumping or dumping today?

3.2million in SPY puts. Wish me luck boys.

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Tvix is for the kiddies

why isn't eurn going up?

Enjoy being a billionaire.

why did this suddenly get a resurgence on this board

Good or bad idea to hold onto buy puts through a reverse split?

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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> Tfw bought wrong put on BA last week
> Tfw someone else bought 2 contracts before me, but I bought the only volume traded
Couldn't even sell because it would have hit my day trade flag. It was horrible.
> Tfw 40 contracts traded today
Just feels good to be so far ahead of the market sometimes y'know?

This bull run will end in a blood red mess

i seriously hope you make it because fuck this fake and gay market

Which should I buy, NET or CRWD?

her dad died of corona virus. Not joking

Every board started talking about her last week as a result

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Her dad, a VP at Goldman Sachs, died.

I'm all in on TVIX, no volume, no confidence. Trump is gonna make a big announcement this afternoon and spook the market.

-4% tomorrow

how low will AMD go when their Earnings tank?

>Air Canada up 11% today
>Sleep Country up 20% since Friday
>Canadian Tire up
>BMO up
>BAM up
>even Telus is up
What the fuck I love Canada now

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I don't believe in BVLL ETERNAL

nothing in this world is eternal and bulls are delusional

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oh no no no...
rip boomer

Her Dad died of chink flu recently.

>Dad's name was Kevin Baltazar
>changes his name to Kevin Masterson as a result of his daughter being a whore

imagine all your work associates asking why you changed your name

Why did you guys remove the bloomberg stream link from the OP?


does it make it hotter that she did this despite being set for literally life?

I love the absolute Chads who bid 100k @ $0.01 on every stock.

Guys, I need to expand my portfolio
What are some things to buy?

Hopefully pretty low. I'm balls deep in 50 dollar AMD puts.


>tfw if I just stopped doing puts I'd have made over $1000 just from keeping my bullish position and doing nothing.
>tfw being "rational" and betting against the market has only lost me money.
Once I sell my AMD puts I'll be a bull again.

That's what I want to know. I'm guessing dump. I don't have much hope for earnings after and I'm guessing that others will play it safe and leave before COVID reveals less sales. Don't listen to me though, I assumed PEP was gonna do that as well but was proven wrong.

yes of course


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Basically, I'm probably going to short NAT youtube/cramer lemming retards then use the proceeds to buy into STNG, TNK, and EURN before May futures roll over kek.

>you will never have a hapa gf

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Holy shit can’t someone bring a baseball bat to Jerome’s room and wake this nigger up already? STOP FUCKING TAKING NAPS DURING TRADING DAYS FOR FUCKS SAKE

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Time machine, go back ten years and buy netflix

AMD is heading to $11.30, lucky you.


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yeah good. don't get one unless you want a bipolar girlfriend who makes you feel like shit all the time for never being good enough and then saying how much she loves you


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Are these retarded RH niggers pumping oil and buying USO good in the long term for my short positions?

No she thought she was doing an “art” she probably was only getting off at the thought of being a bold “artist”

Lads am I gonna lose a lot of money after the reverse split on USO a normie favorite?

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Jerome had Chipotle last night lads. Confirmed to be dumping all afternoon in the mens room. Sorry boys, no pump today.

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can i have 100k if you make it?

I don’t respect women bros

She was really cute though, still is kinda cute, and I was probably no less retarded when I turned 18. Luckily I wasn’t a woman with a fetish for being fucked like a rag doll.

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he already saved it from -0.6% and is keeping it above 0%. what more would you want

holy shit these lines actually work

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People think theatres will re-open soon. If they're wrong it will dump into the center of the earth.

Pff, I just FOMO'd into DHT after reading their website. It's need and they are really open and Norwegian which seems good to me as they know their oil and merchant fleets. They are making a profit and have recently added new ships to their fleet. Divvy is also absurd if they keep it up (which I doubt). Bought 50 stocks.

Isn't that just women tho?

NET? I'mt trying to get rid.
Waste of time and money

half these companies intimating they're going bankrupt are just fishing for federal FREE money, most of them can just get loans or issue bonds

meh, asians are 7/10 on their best of days.

Damn, imagine working hard your whole life providing for your family just so your daughter can get slapped around on camera with cum on her face. I do not want to know this feel bros.

Your mom is going to be upset you lost your weekly allowance and will spank you.

Stream your suicide after all these go to zero, bearcuck

I want to fuck Courtney Reagan.

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>oo hoo the tea leaves say ...

I also liquidated my Roth, everything is cashed out except my NET, TMDX, RTX and ET Yas Forums holdings.

I also love cunny and hate niggers.

Based or cringe?

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Any Brit anons here, what UK companies are you invested in?

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