So when is it going to break $8000?

So when is it going to break $8000?

Attached: Bitcoin.svg.png (240x240, 10.14K)

1.5 months after halvening and 80% of this board has kys

A week maybe

today at 9:37

BTC and the rest of crypto pump when OIL pumps.

This is a boomer coin, buy hex instead


>boomer coin
I can only imagine how much of a pajeet faggot you must be

Ia being in alts good enough or do I need actual btc

Attached: btc_ackkual.jpg (720x838, 94.29K)

Bitcoin will never be over 8000 ever again.

Watch us bart back down to 6660 like it has done 500x before during this crab market.
I'm convinced BTC is now a stablecoin pegged to that value, because ID2020, patent number "World Order 06 06 06", and microchipping people etc.

It's better.

Broke 8K going down a couple months ago if you don't remember

After 16 years of testing 7800 and dropping back to 7740.

Next year maybe.

One day

Attached: Untitled.png (108x123, 29.26K)

if bitcoin moons so will a lot of alts, but probably not all unlike last time where even scam shitcoins pumped like crazy. some people think bitcoin will eventually be the only coin left standing, but i'm not one of them.

Checked. I've purchased twice at $6,666 since the March crash.

Its over $10000 RN

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 21.03.26.png (2424x814, 304.81K)

Never or if it does it will go back to 7.5K-10K range and stay there forever. Even money supply won't lift it, it has its place as what it is but the future is eth and chainlink.

a mighty respectable bait

seems legit

Attached: coffee-marcatcap-scale-a.jpg (1068x692, 53.81K)

Maple syrup money ayyy

Lightning network is a meme. There is already more BTC on ETH than there will ever be on LN. It is shit. BTC most likely won't pump and I think all cryptos could crash again. If this happens, I will load up on ETH. ETH most likely will do a crazy run in the next 2 years. People holding BTC over ETH right now are failing a basic IQ test.

in 2021

>Lightning network is a meme.
sooooooooo tru buy BCH!!!1


so you advise us to buy a coin where the owner is prepared to print to bail out his friends?

>fell for gen X meme coin
inb4 stay poor, brainlet
inb4 kys
