So with an irrelevant 2 yr degree and 3/4ths of a 4 yr business econ degree I wont finish, can I get anything good (middle class) or am I stuck in low wagie hell making under 20 an hr? I live in southern cali btw.
Also, not interested in the trades not on jobs that need you to drive. Im just a security guard. Shitty job. Ya, I dont do shit, but that in itself is its own kind of hell. I die of boredom and cant use my phone. Like wtf.
CAN I HIRE SOMEONE TO FIND ME GOOD SHIT? Like a union job for instance. Idk where to look.. but I doubt I can find good shit on indeed. Indeed has low wagie shit or high barrier to entry shit for good jobs...
What is a millennial to do?
Henry Powell
You're fucked. Even with a 4-year degree you'd be fucked. You can enter a trade, and if you do I'd suggest being an electrician or welder, but being a pipe-fitter or boilermaker are cool too. Trucking is an entry-level career, but be wary of scamming ass companies that will put you through their schools then take advantage of you by charging you up the ass for that school then giving you a low ass subsistence wage so it takes forever to pay it back and you're nearly stuck with them. Same with leasing trucks. If you can, get your state employment office to pay for your trucking school because many will, but you'll need to be able to support yourself or have someone support you while you do it because it's a couple months long.
Anyway, good luck. All of these trades are experiencing a great reduction in work right now because of the downturn, and it might take a while for them to pick back up. My brother-in-law drives a truck and he's high on the seniority totem pole and he's only working 30 hours a week right now.
Joshua Morales
OP you dun goofed. I got an Economics degree with a focus in Mathematics and Statistics. There's currently a huge data science boom going on at the moment. I was able to get a Finance job doing data analytics within three months after graduating.
You should have done your research and specialized in a thriving field.
Colton Ross
I said no trades (which is what I did the 2 yr degree in. Electrical trade which is shit. Non-union jobs in the trades are complete trash) and no driving jobs (so no truck driving).
Tradie work in california pay BAD. 14 an hr start (literally what I make) and 25 an hr after 5 yrs when you become a journeyman (not worth it for that effort. They actually have complicated jobs yet get paid crap. If I REALLY wanted to, I could get a gun permit and cap at 20 an hr).
Samuel Myers
What was your GPA? I have low self-esteem and am pretty dumb (C in finance, C+ in intermediate accounting, etc.). I suck at school so I feel I would suck even more with an actual job in this field.
Carter Turner
Have a 3.01 btw. I am not a unicorn employers typically look for
Brandon Morales
And ya.. I fucked up doing that dumbass 2 yr tradie bullshit. Some fool advised me to do that and being naive, I listened. That fucked my whole shit up and basically ruined my life.
John Mitchell
>I am not a unicorn employers typically look for >no trades or driving jobs >no schooling
Sounds like you think you're a unicorn, though. Go into government work, otherwise go fuck yourself.
Adrian Thomas
Dont say "no schooling" when I do have schooling. Just not a complete 4 yr degree >sounds like you think you're a unicorn for wanting middle class wages? Holy shit, you're retarded. As for government jobs, I've tried. You're also freaking illiterate for LITERALLY mentioning that EXACT jobs I explicitly said not to.
Christian Russell
Or not EVEN middle class wages straight up, but at least be able to get some promotions TO middle class instead of being trapped in low wagie hell with 0 hope of escaping.
Joseph Cruz
It’s who-you-know as well as a cursory glance at literally any job board
Blake Sanchez
Seems that way... and since every time luck is required, I always get fucked. Sad when I see people who never went to college be ahead of me while I have 0 chance of moving up all because of a lack of opportunity. They have cushy decent paying jobs while I get shit on.
Juan Long
Just enter a coding Bootcamp dude
Evan Moore
Yikes I may have gone to private school before college (still not done) but I don’t cry about how a lot of my friends have been spoon fed success. Read a book stop being cancer incarnate
Alexander Martinez
Just wait until you’re in the real world, son
Kayden Allen
Its the truth. Theres a reason why 62% of jobs pay hardship or livable wages. Why? Because good jobs are SCARCE. So ya, I do get pissed when I invest more effort yet get fucked for some stuoid ass factor out of my control. Also wouldnt actually say "friends" either. Just people I know.
Ryan Russell
Gabriel Bennett
So I guess in shitmerica, youre just fucked unless you get lucky... so I have no other options..
Justin Jenkins
>Dont say "no schooling" when I do have schooling. Just not a complete 4 yr degree
I meant you don't want to go back into it because you said you're not finishing your degree. Anyway, LARP or troll. Go fuck yourself.
Julian Hall
Na, YOU go fuck yourself. Also, seeing how people with random ass degrees like in sociology sometimes get nice comfy jobs in an office (and union) despite not using anything of which they studied, I thought maybe there were similar opportunities with an associates degree (outside the field I got it in).
Jace Russell
You sound like a zoomer. Are you really a millenial?
Liam Harris
Gavin Taylor
What part is "zoomer" like? Because if youre going to say some dumb bullshit like "youre whiny", then youre stupid
Robert Price
PwC uses 1981 to 1995 as the millenial cohort. If you are 3/4 thru college, either you started late or are likr 21 years old.
Parker Taylor
Read. I also did a 2 yr degree and that one was in another field so I basically did 5 years of bullshit. I also quit the bachelors a couple yrs ago.
Camden Martinez
I was in community college for a while but my University GPA was around a 3.30 something.
I had to take a bunch of math classes but I was able to dodge all of the academic focused work like Real analysis that can kill your GPA, but i did take stuff that had heavy emphasis on Statistics.'
Reading Ted Kaczynski and reading all of those I am the 99% stories gave me insight of what was needed to be done.
Zachary Gomez
Is your job easier than school or harder? You have to think on the spot a lot? Give presentations?
Austin Lewis
Not really.
I do Catastrophe Modeling for fortune 500 Insurance company. Basically I do Actuarial duties without the Actuary Title.
The only thing you really need to know comparable to an academics is probably Set Theory and having some knowledge of how to deduct algebra. You don't apply those things word by word but more so the thought process of completing projects.
I am also located in Socal.
Carson Brown
fuck... maybe I should finish. What about internships? You do a few before graduating? I couldnt find get any personally