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A board of mongoloids
Eli Young
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Adrian Lopez
In a racial sense, mongoloids have an average IQ higher than members of any other major racial classification. In reference to individuals afflicted with Down syndrome, they have some of the lowest IQ scores of any and all people.
Ryan Cox
The majority also lack empathy that Caucasians possess. They are also more likely to think collectively instead of individually.
Brain structure differences between Chinese and Caucasian cohorts: A comprehensive morphometry study
Ayden James
I'm a negroid
Easton Price
I am the third type
Jacob Gomez
Literally subhuman. Get off my board.
Carson Wood
To be fair, i don't think caucasians have the capacity for empathy anymore. Especially the anglos who have degraded into a soulless creature, on the level of a slav. I mean, every day i see them encouraging violence against chinks or iranians or Venezuelans. They've become bloodthirsty savages, no better than the simple tribal sub saharan negroid.
Thank god i don't belong to the homo sapien group. I'm a neanderthalic nordic.
Isaiah Martin
Sebastian Rivera
Camden Powell
As if caucasians are able to think individually... Normalfag are still normal.
Brody Long
Leo Brooks
Sure you are
Blake Sanders
1.Link shills
2.BSV shills
3.cardano shills
Owen Morgan
>I'm a neanderthalic nordic.
No you aren't. You will never be white. Hating anglos because they have to compete with literally billions of people of color is weak sauce. Keep trying though.
Ryan Stewart
Case in point. No willingness to debate, goes straight for prejudgemental hatred against a third party group. Very "emphatic", right sape?
Cameron Powell
Isn't a word.
You have no empathy. You are a cold, heartless roach.
Christopher Murphy
kek, you dumb sapes have been worshiping us since the day we blessed your ugly deformed and stunted race 1000 years ago.
Indeed, there was this sape who literally worshiped us and considered us the absolute best of what evolution has to offer. Even started a war with that as an ideology. And his followers today still worship our noble and superior race, simply because you know on an instinctive level that we are different from you, better than you.
Aww, the little man can't grasp linguistic evolution, and not connect prejudgement with what "prejudgmental" could POSSIBLY mean.
Very homo sapien.
Aaron Nelson
>people of color
what color
Daniel Anderson
We both have 23 pairs of chromosomes. You're calling me sape and homo sapien as if you are different than me on a chromosomal level. We're talking about emotional expressiveness. You seem to lack that sensitive touch in your writing as well.
Any color other than white or distinctively white Caucasian, Sherlock.
Xavier Green
Did you just call retards retarded?
Jonathan Brown
Ayden Wilson
>Muh chromosomes
And? Your subraces all have the same, yet I still see you chimping out at them and consider them less than you to the point your race wants to genocide them (and everyone else, again, very classic "empathy of the homo sapien branch), when by your very logic they are exactly like you.
Sorry sape, but chromosomes isn't what makes a race better or worse than the other. Stay simple, stay short, my less evolved friend.
Dominic Sanders
Your rhetoric is cringy. Seek salvation, neanderthal. It's too bad your women were bred by negroes. Oh well!
Colton Butler
Big talk from a race so mutted by every regional race in the continent that they don't even have a clear predecessor race.
Xavier Cruz
>select chinese ppl from china
>select burgers from usa
>branes work differently
>must be race!!
Thomas Johnson
>any color other than white
yellow, white or NIGGER
Jayden Powell
sup mah negroid, hope you're in LINK gettin rich like this caucasoid
Julian Ward
>bring niggers to usa
>90% of crime
>must be culture!!!
Jayden Parker
>t. dog eater
Xavier Hall
this. I'm white but I see white people turning more like filthy arabs condoning violence and terrorism when we used to be/were supposed to be the compassionate leaders of the world who were above irrational hate. When I see white people praising the christchurch shooter, I just see that they've fallen from their position and are on the level of muslims
Lincoln Foster
Maybe you should blame yourselves for taking advantage of slaves instead of sending them back. You reap what you sow dumb wh*Toid
>inb4 m-muh joos
not an argument
Benjamin James
Hey wh*Te boi. Here's a question for you:
If wh*Te people are so high IQ, how come you're too fucking stupid to realize that you're being bred out by superior BBC??
Checkmate cumskins