From this point forward, what is the unironic best plan for the United States with regards to the coronavirus?
From this point forward, what is the unironic best plan for the United States with regards to the coronavirus?
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veryone keeps getting sick until vaccine
We let boomers get rekt and free up our healthcare and social security
I think we should just dissolve the union and see what emerges from the wreckage
mandatory masks for public places, lift lockdown and let everyone decide for themselves.
but this virus is the least of your problems now ...
Everyone goes outside and lives a normal life for a while. Passing the virus to everyone.
Younger anons get immunity, Boomers die and flood the young anons with wealth or handouts from gov to encourage them to work.
Neet becomes a lifestyle and US benefits from an easily controllable population.
>reopen the country
>let the 2nd wave of infections go hog wild
>whoever dies, dies
>herd immunity in everyone who lives
>don't have to deal with faggot Corona-Chan again till winter
>repeat steps till there's a vaccine
there you go
giving up on containment
Vaccine is the virus. Just go back to business as usual peak time is ogre anyway. Q3 puuuuammp it moon.
Give me about 7.2 trillion dollars
>he doesn’t know what’s going on
ignore it like all the other past pandemics and admit they fucked up and shouldnt have intervened
Throw all the blacks, gays, jews, mexicans and social miscreants in ghettos, inject a majority with the coronavirus, then put a dome over the ghettos
Nuke China
Going forward the government needs to open everything and stop forcing me to alter my day to day life.
I'm fucking sick of this shit. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH
>let it run it's course
>establish UBI
>close borders preferably
Much based
Al dente. Those who demand liberty aren’t going to just say ok I’ll bend over now. It’s insane to think that.
To carry on as usual. To quit this world wide hoax, and tell people too... it was a test to see how obedient they will be. And after that, carry on :>
This is unironically the only sound resolution of this situation.
This is the fastest way to destroy all economic productivity.
Which might lead to option one.
I do not dissuade you.
Fuck off chang
>This is the fastest way to destroy all economic productivity.
Why? How do you conclude this?
He's right you know
The Chang or the guy calling out the Chang?
As callous as this is it actually is better for the long term.
The bat eater
Lol it's funny to see all these normies like you losing their shit because of the quarantine.
>This is the fastest way to destroy all economic productivity.
What economic productivity?
I wish, so coastal states can stop subsidising all the flyover shitholes. Imagine living in one of those states and then talking shit on all those "libcuck" states when they are literally the only reason they are even remotely functional.
So basically burn the whole thing down and start from scratch?
Shut up fag.
t. boston
>Younger anons get immunity
When you realise the zoomer tards don't know. I suppose its better not to know in a way. Still its sad in a way, I mean they are kind of repugnant banking on it being the parents or grandparents dying not them, but not knowing that there IS NO IMMUNITY and how it workd to kill the young. The deaths in very young children and increasing in pace now, majority of new admissions in ICUs in many countries are teens. The poor dumb bastards think they are going to live. I guess its funny in a way in a dark comedy way. Zoomers are literally so stupid they don't know if they are infected they die within 12 months and there is no immunity for them. Wow. They want to end the lockdowns because they think their magic zoomer power will keep them alive and believe in a non existent immunity. Wow. Look up children dying in UK and watch that rise to crisis levels, got that? OK you have maybe two months before that's you. This disease does not kill boomers or zoomers though. It kills retards or the children of retards. Its the tardalypse
It's funnier that faggots like you are totally fine with the government's boot on their neck