Are oil lakes a thing yet?

Week ago I proposed to fill those open pit mines into oil holding lakes to solve storage crysis. Can we start doing it now?

Attached: 4l-Udachny.jpg (600x400, 41.71K)

pour a bit of water in it first.
Oil floats on water, so it wont pollute the soil
You just need to cover some of the edges then

Yeah the environmental liability for that wouldn't be a problem at all and your product definitely wouldn't be contaminated either.

okay, yes, ill bring my shovel

>what are refineries?

that would be quite al dente desu

What would swimming in oil be like?

Something like this, user? Hang on, I've got the president on the phone

Attached: Capture.png (1144x419, 8.68K)

duhhhhh uurnnnnghhh wut if ughhh we put da oyl in da lake unnnnggghhhhh

You would drown, it is just like if you would fall in a tank of ethanol, the density of a person is higher than that of oil.



That’s a Spicy new meme you zoomers are forcing. Count me in

I'm sure refineries will be climbing over each other so they can use your shitty, contaminated oil and fuck up their machinery.

A power washer and some bottles of flex seal and the sides will be water tight


lol up voted

Right now what we need is space to put oil. And jyst WHERE is there more space than anywhere else? Why, the moon of course. Buy TSLA

>Oil floats on water
is correct - bunkerbro (mostly /diy/, sure he's occasionally on Yas Forums tho) was into buying these fuckhuge oil storage caverns, Pic related. You filled the bottom with water, oil floats on top - I guess you pump in or out water as needed (oil volume etc). Its pretty straightforward, assuming you had a 100 million gallon capacity natural cavern available.

Attached: oil_lake.jpg (1788x1265, 1.71M)

Why not just fill up decommissioned mines? They're essentially useless anyways, and we already use them to store radioactive waste without any environmental consequences (that we know of, heh)

Attached: 63032-004-E3A185CF.gif (479x448, 19.9K)

Or check this out guys. Maybe we accept shutting down was retarded, didn’t do anything anyway, and just fully reopen and start using some of that oil. Then we be a little smarter environmentally without having crazy drastic plans that aren’t thought through



Topkek what a genius op is

What the fuck that sounds bad but I have no idea how to picture it

You’re telling me if this guy falls out of his boat he’s dead because the density of humans is something something oil and he sinks? Fuuuuhhhhhh

Thanks for this visualisation, now we can show it to officials. If we don't save economy who will?


I like the surfing ayy :)

shit man they shoulda just looked at this picture to see where the undiscovered ore is

>dig oil out
>put back into ground

The government is already storing oil in salt caverns.