How much money do you realistically need leave this gay world behind and live alone in the woods? Do they accept crypto out there?
How much money do you realistically need leave this gay world behind and live alone in the woods...
A loner with a $300 hair dye huh? Nah she gets railed by Chad every weekend.
Chad Here
Can Confirm
fuck this gay earth
you need to really ask yourself how al dente you need to be desu
went to the woods yesterday.
Saw no one for 3,5 hours.
Cops showed up, fined me 135 euros.
Wew, lads.
where is this from?
OP, to leave the gay world, all you have to do is:
1)Put the pipe down and
2)Stop having sex with men.
>no dick
Stop posting this trash
some documentary on youtube by vice or national geographic
Back to the workhouse, potato nigger.
just get like $1M
buy some cheap land deep in the woods for like $50k, set another $50k-100k aside for essential supplies/equipment/construction
Invest the remaining $850-900k into a few ETF's that pay anywhere from 4-7%/year average and collect somewhere from $34,000 - $63,000/year returns, allowing it to compound if you don't actually need it (living off land successfully). You'll get to live the way you want out in the woods while still passively earning more than the average American does working a fulltime job.
google returns random shit can you be more specific?
>off the grid
>dyed hair and makeup
>eye catching clothing
>pretending to skin an animal
This has to be a model. This bitch isn't a real country girl.
Couple of millions to start with and a steady stream of $400k yearly indefinitely.
I don't want to jack off you moron I just want to know what this is from.
that's a boy, right?
You don’t need any money to live in the woods. I saw a fox living in the woods once. It never saw a dollar.
This is a boy (female)
>just get like one million and live of dividends
Ok user,
feminist propaganda
This is literally my game plan on top of my returns I plan on having my retirement pension and will probably have a shitty hobby farm and sell random bullshit when I'm bored. My fear is the price of land skyrocketing in 15 years due to rising water levels.
Lmao I can't find it anymore kek
>How much money do you realistically need leave this gay world behind and live alone in the woods?
I dropped out after I passed two million but in fact that has just risen. I don't really interact with people any more at all, I keep a woman and have a dog.
How did you make your millions?
>My fear is the price of land skyrocketing in 15 years due to rising water levels.
You are retarded. Someone had to tell you. You believe in bullshit and you are retarded. You need to know this. Sorry
agricultural tenancies,war, antiques, art, tech boom options, property, crypto,
Omfg I can't find it this shit is pissing me off so much how can I not find it?? This was some 16yo girl living with her dad during school breaks in the forest. Fully off grid home. Like 20 mins long video. No sign of it in my history. Tried so many keywords.
O and stocks, dividends mostly from them
Not alot. Land is cheap out in middle of nowhere. $50k for the land, put off like $1500/yr for property tax, since you aren't going out and hopefully growing most of your food, you would only need like $5k/yr to live.