How in the fuck does speculating in the stock market/crypto bring ANY value to our society? How can anybody be allowed to make a fortune betting on companies while ordinary Americans who work hard to produce for our society go hungry? Justify yourselves you bourgeoisie scum
How in the fuck does speculating in the stock market/crypto bring ANY value to our society...
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>How in the fuck does speculating in the stock market/crypto bring ANY value to our society?
it doesnt
>How does investing in a company help it grow and become better
Kys commienigger
Just move to Cuba bro, oh wait you wont
>99 people consensually lose money
>1 person gets all that money
Just admit you only care because you’re envious of that rich person. Everyone who participated in the stock market is consenting. Why can 100 people consent to a fetishistic gangbang but not to an exchange of assets?
imagine not taking money from capitalist structures hand over fist and aspiring to be a global revolutionary/accelerationist financier.
>How can anybody be allowed
This is America, go move somewhere else if you want the government to decide what you're allowed to use your money for.
America doesn't let me buy heroin and sell it in minority neighborhoods, this is bullshit
well his question was bit dumber than that, he asks about speculation on investable assets. Which indeed does not provide any benefit but the idea that therefore there should be no market in general is flawed
Bet you wish you had capital like me, broke commie junkie nigger.
Why? Taking engines out of trackers n putting them in cars cause only diesel is available sounds like an honest day's work. Looking forward to my neighbor snitching on me too cause I got a new pair of shoes, I'm apparently living beyond what I should be to them. I'm only a doctor getting paid less than a door man at the local hotel - I just don't get it user.
The company needs money to purchase capital units, cover its operational costs, invest in research to improve output all while reducing efforts and hours needed.
To get that money she sells parts of itself
To attract investors she can give dividends and also display a spreadsheets that guarantees rise in value of the shares
Stocks go up, just buy them and wait faggot
Well if we are being technical, then yea I suppose his question was towards speculation. But like you said, the very existence of a market enables speculation. Regardless, OP is a dumb nigger.
So you admit it and don't care, literally a sociopath
>investing in a company
Yes I'm sure your 5 meme stocks of TSLA are really helping the poor and distraught of society
The market shouldn't exist period
Fuck off Soros
America is everything wrong with this fucking world. Literally scrambling to defend their right to support Israel and the global elite. KYS
>I've got mine, fuck you
I have a well paying job anyway; need to function in this broken society unfortunately. So cope more fucktard
so greedy companies aren't content with the labour they steal from their workers (profits), but this is a good thing. Also notice how those profits don't go to worker either.
I guess someone that analysis the market using TA shouldn't be compensated for their time spent - according to OP.
>So you admit it and don't care, literally a sociopath
wrong, you need a speculative market to allow money to be invested. I as a long term shareholder am benefitial to the business. The fact that theres 9 speculators between me and company is not as bad as my money sitting in bank and companies being unable to use them bcs we have no market for speculators since we care about their existence for some reason
In a gangbang, everyone consent to get fucked. There's a little difference here.
Kek workers don't create anything you stupid faggot. The smartfags that think up the blueprints to any product to ever exist create things. Workers simply do the work of fabricating the idea some other guy or guys created. If you are implying that the aforementioned smart guys that actually created the product and own the rights to it owe anything but side change to the nigros that fabricate it then you are an entitled faglord.
> TSLA doesn't help the poor
That's where you're wrong kid. Tesla is on the forefront of renewable energy. Coal, oil n fracking actually harm the poor n society more so than not. You know cause of the environment n stuff. Tesla is finding a means of eliminating the need for such dangers to the environment through automation and renewable energy.
You just played yourself. You actually think the government does a better job? Didn't you know this administration just cut EPA n is supporting coal? Unless you want Obama back that'd killed thousands of kids in the middle East using drone strikes n also Americans too.
Damn commie
>People in America
>Going hungry
Yes I know people do it, but in a country that produces like 3X more food than it needs every year, the only reasons people are going hungry are:
1. temporary sudden hardship,
2. choice/lifestyle choice,
3. sacrifice for other priorities (like living in a city in order to potentially getting a higher paying job)
4. Spending all of your stim check on chicken wings (I work at buffalo wild wings and can confirm this one)
and even then it's likely a statistically insignificant bit of the population
>need a speculative market to allow money to be invested
??? Need? What fucking need? The only need of the market is to prop up the horrors of capitalism. A society doesn't "need" a stock market to function, unless there are workers to exploit
>smartfags that think up the blueprints to any product to ever exist create things
You mean the scientists and engineers whose labour is also exploited by greedy billionaires? Protip bud: you're never going to be a billionaire so stop defending their right to exist.
>capitalism is killing our planet and the system actively encourages destroying our planet with fossil fuels, industrial waste, pollution, etc.
>but it's OK guys, le epic ELON MUSK is going to solve all of our problems!
Retarded 16 year old, fuck off. Also Obama is a war criminal and we don't have a legitimate government that works for the people
>statistically insignificant bit of the population
Literally millions of Americans go hungry everyday. If that's insignificant to you, you're a sociopath
>What fucking need?
youre not so bright when it comes to basic economical knowledge huh?
We gotta implement UBI or else the commies will vote for more taxes.
Poorfaggots are always communist. Seethe more
we don't want more taxes. that's liberals. we want billionaire heads on pikes
>basic economical knowledge
Ah yes, my economics textbook written by neoliberals says that we NEED neoliberalism to work! Socialism can't work because the neoliberal textbooks said so!
I make 80k in a very affordable place, sorry I care about the plight of the common man over my own profits, sociopath
You're missing the point faggot. Capitalism is based because it takes advantage of human nature and weaponizes our greed into the most efficient tool for fostering innovation and creativity. No one is going to create newer better things without a proper incentive. Tldr: Government consumes, it does not produce because it has no incentive to.
No, you don't. You're the same seething poorfaggot retard who always posts these threads and call anyone who disagrees with you a sociopath. I hope you scrape together some money to pay rent this month
>how can anyone be allowed
The burden is on you to justify why you should be allowed to disallow people from doing a given thing. Bringing value to "our society" isn't a moral absolute, and if it were all the welfare queens would be hung along with the brokers...and most of the brokers would escape because they actually help fund useful things to begin with. Fuck off tyrant.
See what I mean folks. Commies hate UBI. A vote for UBI is a vote against communism.
There is literally no difference, everyone who participates in the stock market knows they can lose their money.
>weaponizes our greed into the most efficient tool for fostering innovation and creativity
Ah yes, that's why our planet is dying, the rich are getting richer while the middle class stagnates, USA politics have become special interest riddled and absolutely POZZED, and we're all brainwashed on a daily basis by a bombardment of ads and the pervasiveness of toxic consumer culture. Yes, we surely do live in the best system available, thank you capitalism!
Imagine being so braindead you can't imagine someone being anti-capitalist and not poor. Read a book for once in your life
Fuck off nigger, you aren't allowed to murder or fraud other people, and you shouldn't be able to exploit their labour either.
yeah youre quite dumb, socialist countries also have speculative markets
I agree with you. UBI is not marxist. It's a liberal, libertarian capitalist last gasp attempt to try to pacify the masses keep the house of cards propped up and the ruling class in power with class relations in place
It doesn't create anything of value for society but I need money and I'm not getting a job.
And what folk want is the heads of people who want the heads of other people on pikes, on pikes, so remember to stay in your basement because it's dangerous for murderous people in the US, because all those poor uneducated scum you look down on while claiming to want to help are allowed to carry a 9 and cap you if you try to start some Tale of Two Cities shit.
>socialist countries also have speculative markets
Name one. And if you name a Scandinavian country or China as socialist, I'm filtering you for ultimate retardation
Except you are not that. You are a seething poorfaggot who spends his days posting threads like these. I don't need a book to see you are poor. Crawl on back to your discord.
One of the only innovative sectors of the Soviet nation was one driven by direct competition with the capitalist US. Ok thanks for proving my point faggot. Competition drives innovation, eat shit.
The current neoliberal soft socialism in place in the US is not capitalism retard. Welfare for corporations and endless debt spiraling stimulus is the opposite of what I praise.
>And what folk want is the heads of people who want the heads of other people on pikes, on pikes,
sounds like they should impale themselves
Free market of willing buyers and sellers.
A core tenet of Capitalism.
Just like private property and rule of law discouraging people from violently taking your shit.
It does not! Its one big gambling casino with special rigged rules and actors and we are just gambling to get the chance to ride this rigged game to be millionaires.
Its also a unregulated casino with millions of dollars. So its fun, except when its not regulated because the big guys go to the gov to make the gov pay for their gambling loses because they are "to big to fail". Told you its rigged.
>Justify yourselves you bourgeoisie scum
Cute you are an naive Utopian we want to survive in the real world.
And fooling the sub 50IQ population of functional retards into thinking the stock market is good is a part of it all.
The more you know.
Do I also need to explain to you how other real life adult things work like government corruption?
What about this current society do you believe is so innovative? We would have better off hunter gatherers.
even Venezuela has stonks u fucking retard
OP is indeed absolute nigger Ima head out
You are the thieving nigger here.
You use catch-all bullshit like "exploit" and "capitalism" to get around the undeniable fact that the vast majority of people choose to trade away some of the profits of their labor to dodge the risk and extra time and effort of marketing their products or services themselves, or having to deal with day to day market and profit variance, pay for their own healthcare and benefits, discipline themselves to keep a war chest for a rainy day, and so on.
Just because you're personally too stupid and deluded to acknowledge the existence of distribution problems and market risk doesn't mean they stop existing all of a sudden.
There is no special class to start a business. You can too, and you can even register your LLC for around $100 in the state of Maryland to make taxes easier, and you can implement flat wages, flat management, democratic leadership, literally whatever you want, but you won't because you're busy screeching that you'd be doomed to fail because someone else has more money and will bribe Congress to specifically take you out or something.
Socialism is a form of schizophrenia where you argue against the existence of consent-based systems and pretend to be liberating the people by forcing them to abide by rules which encourage masochism and discourage virtue and competence.
Anyways, I don't think you should be allowed to breathe good air that a useful person could instead, so do me a revolutionary favor and kys pls.
Keys commie faggot
>What about this current society do you believe is so innovative?
You posting on Yas Forums. Don't go down that rabbit hole.
>We would have better off hunter gatherers
There is no "we" about it.
You would not have done well in any hunter gatherer society. Parasites are purged.
You wouldn't do well in any society that is not Capitalism. The weak are taken out very quickly.
When the Based CEO has to step in and call you a commie faggot, you know it's gone too far. Try making money OP, being poor does terrible shit for your psyche
>It doesn't create anything of value for society but I need money and I'm not getting a job.
>and if it were all the welfare queens would be hung along with the brokers
You understand a broker is only a far more smarter welfare queen, right?
>why are people allowed to make voluntary agreements with each other without my approval?!
All communists do is bitch and moan, don’t they?
There's literally free brokerages everywhere online. You're a fucking idiot if you aren't at the very least trying to get ahead.
Some of those hard working Americans are investing in crypto too. What the fuck is your problem? If you’re not happy with anything then give your stuff away to the homeless and kill yourself.
>Be company
>Need money to expand
>Sell shares of company on public exchange for cash
>Use cash for business shit
>Reward investors with decades of fat divvies
I don't see a problem here.
Capitalists are the parasites who don't work. Without the useful idiots who they have put on uniforms and sign up to protect their property they'd all be dead in a day
You are mentally ill, I'm not giving any more (you)'s
> neoliberal soft socialism in place in the US is not capitalism retard
It's literally capitalism taken to its logical end. You literally see why capitalism is fucked but you're so brainwashed you call it "socialism" jesus fucking christ
Another capitalist admitting how sociopathic capitalism is yet being totally ok with it. Christ.
>dictatorship with a literal retard at the helm
yeah, filtered
>Zion Don poster
yet another sociopath, keep them coming
what value do philosophy and african-american women studies majors provide to society?
>speculation on investable assets
Any investment is a speculation. Nobody would invest in something if they thought it would make them lose money now would they?