/smg/ stock market general

twitter slut edition

Big earnings start now
3M, Pfizer, Merck, etc. in the morning


>Stock market Words

>Pump and dump advertising

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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>Futures are green
Wtf earning are going to be a disaster

This is the slowest 30 minutes I've experienced in years




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She's a NATty girl all right



>le based and epic shortseller gets clapped by the money printer episode #5432

S&P 4000 or more this summer, then the next leg down begins.

>RTX is trading at $67

We're literally at the top right now, bros.

3M was a good investment. Time to dump at opening. Who else is looking good this week after earnings

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I can’t wait for the Tesla earnings this week

I have been imploring you to buy since the end of February. Did you listen?
Only when I run out of cash. I've been buying $1000 per day and I'm about to bump that to $1500 per day starting now. Been selling puts too anticipating the possibility of it going back down but so far no luck. At least I get the free premium.

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>3M - the company withdrew its full-year outlook due to virus-related uncertainties.
>Caterpillar is not providing any full-year 2020 guidance due to uncertainties surrounding the pandemic.
>Merck - cut its 2020 forecast due to coronavirus-related uncertainties.
>PepsiCo is joining those withdrawing its outlook due to pandemic-related uncertainties
>Harley also suspended share repurchases, and cut its quarterly dividend to 2 cents a share from 38 cents a share.
>BP’s latest earnings beat estimates, but profit fell by two thirds and debt levels rose to the highest level in five years.
>HSBC reported lower-than-expected quarterly profit, as the bank earmarked $3 billion for possible bad loans amid the coronavirus outbreak.


This is absolutely wrong. Blood on the streets in May.

nah lol 100 is the top

what do you expect?


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Boeing is gonna run today

All in on TVIX amirite?

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Um... user.. I..

Its okay if you missed the boat you don't have to wish ill on others due to your retardation.

expect everyone who bought in the last month to be financially ruined

uh, where is the retest of the lows bearbros?


>posted this three times with different wording
found who shorted RTX

>tfw shorted AMC, BP, and GOOGL yesterday

How fucked am I?

Thoughts on INO?

I literally bought 43 @ $62.50. Since this whole Chinese virus pandemic, RTX has bounced back and forth from $60 to $67. I'm one of the fags that shill this meme stock that hardest.

Kek, bears on suicide watch

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>tfw I shorted SNAP


This earnings season is just dangerous desu.
Some companies could lose 30% and still stay green. Or lose 20% and crash.
I have no idea how to play this. Never experienced anything like this.

it was at 65 over a month ago

bought 200 shares at 3 dollars, really want to sell today but idk where it could be headed. I mean if they develop the vaccine how high could it go?

Sorry I dont have any advice on it my brain tells me to sell today at the opening bell but my heart tells me to hang on until it hits 50

Whose going to make alot of money today???

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Google’s going to have good earnings with bad forward guidance. You might do okay.

Uber and Tesla investors are so used to not seeing net revenue it will not phase them.

>trade decently on own market
>want a piece of J.Pow's unli QE
>only broker I have access to only does CFD
Though I can opt not to trade with leverage and I don't plan to. I've read there can be an issue with spreads but how different is trading on CFD compared to regular day trading?

is that a human girl?

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Ahh well I have none so I may buy today

I was in your boat last week, user. Lost 200 before I got out.

I'm starting to believe that the fundamentals are the biggest bear trap in history

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me too
i got this great investment tip from /smg/

Missed the bottom again
Watched the market everyday
Now its too late
Time to KMS

are we human or are we dancer?

>ahhh that third coffee of the day

Feels good man especially with a two day old baby

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Telsa will moon on no revenue. It hit $1000 taking on more and more debt and selling basically nothing, so next stop mars.

we shall not fall until last bear is dead and only I am standing


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Who /$ET/ here?

Does she have lewds? Also. Shold I keep PLAY or sell. I bought 10 days ago.

hey congrats :D

if you buy INO at this price you're literally retarded

its a hobbit

Dont you have warrants? Shitty options but better than nothing.

You can also try IBRK or Tastytrade. They offer options trading in Europe for great conditions. 1$/contract usually.

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chad ET

congrats user, happy for you

any oil plays today? might go all in MRO at opening and hope for the best

Sell it for moderate gains. You can only lose money holding babies long term.


>UPS went down
extremely based hope it dumps

citron just dropped a report on them, their pt is $1, they think it's the new theranos kek

all dead jim

Priced in

5/1 F 5p
5/8 GME 5.5p
5/8 MGM 15p

gonna hold through. no fear.

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But the nice jewish men told me it could go to $50

congrats bro!

I hope AMD stock tanks in half over earnings.

Log on to investing.com and see boomers in the chat trying to apply technicals and complex analysis to markets in currentyear

FTSE100 jumps 1% early this morning, boomers jump in and call their shorts because of some weird technical that might work in normal times..... And the markets jump another 1%

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I'm switching some of my 1x inverses to 3x today.

>bobos confused and scared as usual

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They didn't make it but they fought the good fight

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Just ordered like 50 more shares of MRO, the window for oil is still open imo. XOM is a good pick too.

Ya I read that. I should pay more attention to biomemes though. Piqued

>SPY 291


Who here /cashgang/?
I don't like the look of any asset at the moment. Stock market is ridiculous, there will be a big dump which will pull pms and crypto down with it.

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Sell the baby and go all in on lean hogs instead

I took the bait, purchased 250 XRP yesterday @ 0.19, what are the odds this thing takes off? Did I fall for the meme?

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lmao, premarket players revving up their dump engines

short USO at open or 30 min later

MRO's been holding strong. they've got a nice cash cushion and are still paying out that divvy. Anything under 5 is a gift. (Pre-virus the stock was at 12-14 a share)

>tfw both the tankers and oil stocks you hold are green

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you missed the boat, you're officially a bagholder now