Once again QNT is King of Pump and Dump scams

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It is just retrace after pump from 1.5$ to 6$. Nice try.

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my eth is literally bleeding out of its ass

Quant is becoming a serious joke in crypto. So glad I got out.

There is a person who has been posting multiple anti qnt threads daily for about a year... let that sink in... did shillbert touch your peepee when you were 14 or something?

I wish I listened now I'm underwater

potato munching armenian scam stay the fuck out

SIA has been releasing a ton of news about spunta/siachain in the past months, and Overledger, which was supposed to power their entire blockchain implementation, is nowhere to be found. No fucking where since 2019.

With most of the team being out and with Gilbert and his wife and brother being at the helm as CEO/COO's, you can only guess where is this shitcoin going. Straight to fucking 0. But first, they need to milk out the entire ICO supply. This is the reason why Gil has hired his family ;). All the money (probably $100-200k salaries) is going to the family

The Armenian Hustle Won

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Always the same nonsense arguments. They are hiring new people for many jobs right now. Your fud just makes you look like a idiot

You must be fun at parties

You’re an idiot and gullible as fuck. They’ve been saying this for years now. Where are all their supposed partnerships? Where are the new exchanges that have been promised for over a year? They’ve failed to meet their own deadlines they set themselves time after time, but sure, the people who recognize their faults are the idiots

>they haven't realized Gil turned his bots back on

Gilbert is a pathological liar and highly possible a scammer.

He was talking about listing on T1 exchanges back in 2018. The comment dates from 3rd of December 2018

Stay the fuck away from this shitcoin until this armenian gangster releases anything of substance.

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God im so on the fence with QNT, do I do everything opposite to what Biz recommends? old Gil boy is a bit of a nob though, hmm

Exactly, been lying for 2 years now and people still find a way to defend him or give excuses. Cultist mentality

They are defending him because of his CV. If it wasn't for that, this shitcoin would have been at the bottom of the barrel.

The thing people don't know is that he wouldn't be the first high profile dude to be involved in a scam/flop. Halsey Minor, millionaire who created CNET, invested in Salesforce etc has scammed the crypto community some years ago with a shitcoin called Voxelus/RevolutionVR. Now he's scamming once again with another shitcoin called Videocoin.

These guys are basically using their CV's to extract millions from naive crypto dumbasses

I was in the same position user, but all it took for me was to go on etherscan and look at the largest wallet, still holding 2 million QNT.
100k QNT were transferred from that wallet to Idex and Bittrex 3 weeks ago, just as the price peaked.
That could only be the team (or Gilbert for that matter) or a whale, who happens to hold more coins that the team itself (unlikely).
Either way, it's bad and I don't want to be dumped on like that so I'm out. I also found quite a lot of other red flags but this one settled it for me.

mate i tell you what, think you may have persuaded me there, I only have around 500, think i might just accept the L and sell 400 of it, and keep the rest as suicide stack

>Overledger, which was supposed to power their entire blockchain implementation, is nowhere to be found.

Literally who said this

fuck off samefag

Qnt is a fucking joke.
Same bullshit hype and never delivered anything. Kek
Sold all mine at 5.50. Ill rebuy at 2.50 for the final exit scam pump.
Stupid faggots

Quant will die in 2020

whats your stance on qnt?

Dont believe anything Shilbert has said.
Fucking clown has never delivered anything.

@removed needs to get arrested for facilitating this scam..his TA is ridiculous.

Does that change the answer to my question?

is gilbert gonna hire another family member to replace the director that left? kek

Biz qnt fudders logic :
>Buy qnt at 15$
>Sell at 2$
>Post "Shillbert!! Scam!! Pajeet!!" -tier comments to every qnt thread
>Watch qnt pumping and wait for little dip
>Dip comes and start posting same stupid posts again

I just sold all mine. Definitely a SCAM
Thanks user

> central banks are paying for the use of a fictional operating system called overledger using ERC-20 tokens they purchase on shit tier exchanges
Quantard logic

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Except they don't.
They pay Quant who then uses that fiat to buy QNT from exchanges via the treasury.

The client never has to deal with an exchange or the crypto bullshit side of things.

a QNR pajeet appears, discgusting

I'm scandinavian and white skinned.
You seem to be the jeet here, friend.

Hey guys its me.
Donnie posted this as an user amd then writes in here.
Just sucked his dick for a bottle of vodka

> evidence of this?
> evidence of $10 Million in revenue in 2019?
> evidence of a blockchain operating system called Overledger?
> evidence of the offices of a serious team providing enterprise solutions for central and commercial banks? No I am not talking about a mail forwarding addresses that is associated with scams in the UK. Here for example are the solutions and services Quant offers in the AWS marketplace it hyped up so much as a member of the AWS apn network. ZERO.

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Keep seething until dashboard please