Al Dente Thread

I have seen this crap shitting up every thread here. Please, instead of doing this, if you feel the need to post 'Al Dente' related nonsense, then do it here.
Thanks in advance.

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I bet she is slavic

Thank you for doing this, OP.




I'll even show you how to do this...

Needs more Al dente

Every time


I know its good, eh? Most beautiful women in the world come from Russia or Ukraine.
Needs more...

It will truly be disappointing if they ever stop being shitholes, or if a lot of them start finding out about onlyfans

Yes - generally, they are amongst the last decent mature women on earth. .
Porn as a job needs to be eradicated

Al dente penis

NOIA ees al dente ¡

Keep 'em coming.
Leave the proper threads alone

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viewer bot whore.

You didnt say 'al dente'

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kys onions boy. nice pimp and viewer bot she got

The fact that this is the number one come back on this board to things that one disagrees with says a lot.

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Who dis

ewww puke on u, kys

We can't be expected to do it for you, that would get messy gay black man blood everywhere...


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eww this whores looks than her

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Where this “al dente” meme came from?
As Italian I’m triggered to read something in my language while I’m used to expect only English here.

OP here - no-one has said - all they do is just insult me and others

Al dente Is how an Italian wants his spaghetti. Now you know

>ruski women
yeah if you keep buying them LV bags otherwise they run to Vova with the 2007 m series

ok schizo

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Must suck to only attract whores.


snownigga you need to go back

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its just another faggot forced meme but underage penny stock investors using their moomies money. just call them out for being unwitty unfunny underage queers and hide their retarded posts

user only westacucks idolize slavshit roasties