26 year old alcoholic college drop out

>26 year old alcoholic college drop out
>end up getting jobs that are easy and i should be greatful for but just end up getting fired after like 2 months
>could no longer pay rent so had to go move back into my parents house
>mom is still a junkie who abuses my younger sister
>unironically caught them watching tranny porn together yesterday
>also decided to snoop through my sister's internet history and its nothing but shit posting on blacked threads, MLP porn, inflation loli hentai, and niggers getting shot by police webms
>starting wondering if all of this is my fault since i used Yas Forums in front of her and never really gave a shit
>to top it all off, my father, the only normal one in the family, who was the only one who ever cared about me, recently attempted suicide and he's in a coma
It's all a giant joke, and things do not get any better, and we're not all going to make it. I'll be live streaming my suicide tonight so I can give back to this community, and I'd like to say thank you for keeping my company and making me laugh every now and then.

quickrundown and stream link:

Well, this is it Yas Forums, Its been fun, but it's time to wrap it up.

Also, giving away the little BTC i have left, so feel free to post your wallets ig
Goodbye friends.

Attached: IMG_2394_000_21311.jpg (1944x2592, 957.77K)

Fun pasta! great thrad OP

I've never had any bitcoin, thx user!

dude what the fuck. okay first of all, your family at least sounds like the kind that isnt ashamed of shit and can talk to eachother. so try that, try to shake some sense into them

second of all, dude, there are always more opportunities. dont be a faggot. jeff bezos is accomplishing world domination at the old age of what lke 55? you might not have sown the seeds he has but at least you can wait for the halvening, work on alcoholism, work on saving, work on meeting girls, etc.

I wish I had a sister like that if she was cute

thats an all dentine man

sayonara fren

please dont also fuck anyone that posts their wallet

Dont do it fren

don't do it. seek help. you deserve better and in time you'll find it.

post nudes of sister first

That's tough man.

I don't want your money. Just want you to know that life will eventually get better, any which way that you slice it. If you're in a shitty situation now, then as long as you keep your head up and keep on keeping on, it wouldn't take much to better your life, comparatively.

That being said, take your money and do something nice for yourself. Go on vacation, buy a video game you've always wanted, get a car. Do something that makes you a little happy in a way that works within the confines of whatever amount of money you have.

I know it's not going to replace anything you've lost in life. But sometimes it's ok to spend a little on yourself.

Take the rest of your money and invest it. That's a passive way to improve your life. Actively trying to better your life can be hard. So try to take it a step at a time with those. A little goal to start. Finish it and feel the gratification and happiness it provides. Then start another. Tempo is important.

Shit man, I've never been good at cheering others up. But I feel for you and I hope you find happiness one day.

Attached: blinds.png (356x333, 119.56K)


My friend, dont do it. Would you give me a chance to change your mind? I have some things to say

>user posts address in last ditch effort to make it
>posts bch address

I hope you're still reading this user, do not do it. You need to be there for your dad and sister. They need your help, and the only way you can get out of this hell is forgetting about yourself and trying to help them however you can. Use the anger you feel for yourself to motivate you, and unironically go to an AA meeting if you can. I know this might seem like a meme, but having people around you who went through similar and perhaps worse shit can help you. It's never too late to change unless you tap out.

user don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, what He did for us, and gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself user!

don’t do it ! you have your father to live for. things get better :(

bless bro

>trusting a discord link

oh shit pay up OP


a real scam

>post your wallets and let us have your discord ID

after seeing all the pedo weeaboos on Yas Forums, do you really trust this?


>Just want you to know that life will eventually get better, any which way that you slice it.
Except it doesn't. Similar situation to OP, and I have nothing to look forward to now. My life has peaked at 32. I've lost my job, lost my whole industry, going to lose my house eventually. Wife has put off kids until "things get better" but we both know that's going to be decades away and by then it'll be too late. I have nothing left to live for and no realistic hope of life getting better. Telling people it will is just a lie to make yourself feel better, because you don't want to accept the idea that things might not.


we await you at the end, my friend

don't do it OP but ill take some btc if you're offering


Are you posting this gay thread on all boards?
Yas Forums already told you to go to fucking off yourself

50 and counting...

See you tomorrow, fren. Get some fresher pasta, though

Based Dormin