How is it that unemployment checks are twice as large than checks from full-time work?

How is it that unemployment checks are twice as large than checks from full-time work?

Attached: 2019-10-29_16-34-42_B4NX2ufo6k3_75812045_238152630495701_8754585078065204526_n.webm (640x800, 2.76M)

Because the bankers love you

your job pays half what everyone else is making

Also, Brazilian blokes make great sheilas

How shit is your job? Does everyone here work at mcdonalds?

I'm not asking any questions I'm just cashing the checks

It's not me you fuckheads.

How is your full time job paying you 3.75 an hour? Because double that x 40 x 4 is $1200 a month.

look how much power men gave to women

I didn't give them those brappers.

Two al dente men for the price of one. Does it get any better than this?

Is it weird that I feel sorry for them? Prostituting themselves and behaving like whore. I will pray for them.

Unemployment is $900 a week

you know, i almost felt sorry for them too. then i remembered, this is just the way of the world. so instead i imagined inviting them to my home once i am rich, and then teasing them and then completely fucking and using them. i coomed very well mere moments ago!

hahahaha omfg anons so funny and witty and hilarious with his forced thats a man meme like omfg hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah jesus fuck user how did you get so fucking funny man thats like top tier gold comedy omfg lololololololololololololooloolololololol you shoud do stand up that was so fucking hilarious and god damn great HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

These whores love being whores, just coom in them and marry a good grill.

Feel sorry for what? Their nipples rubbing together and gettting all hot and sweating while dancing?
Literally the most kosher shit right there god bless these women

As soon as the unemployment checks stop, those taking advantage by quitting their jobs for this will be fucked.

you can't quit your job and get unemployment. you have to be laid off or your place of employment had to shut down because of covid-19 and you can't telecommute.

based, God bless you

how is it that black cocks are twice as large as white dicks?

>marry a good grill.

These are incredibly hard to find

are these two whores going to piss on each other or what?

You have to work for those through voting

hey, few months into nofap user here.
its weird but these kind of webms used to be triggers and I would lust after them however things changed and now I just get disgusted by the behaviour.

I wish I could make that kinda of money

You really lusted over trashy spics?

Bullshit show your pay stubs commie. Unemployment is based off your income. You don’t get extra money because of the corona virus thing. You god damn shills deserve death

idk but i love it
get pic related every week

Attached: Capture.png (973x186, 9.32K)

We are surrounded by literal retards who have no clue how these systems work but all have stern opinions on said systems

Bull fucking shit you god damn shill. Show the govt label on that screenshot. Oh wait you can’t? Because it’s a doctored photo to implement your little psyop ? KYS