Would you take a student loan to go to Ivy league college or go to state university and be debt free?

Would you take a student loan to go to Ivy league college or go to state university and be debt free?

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I’d rather drop out of high school 2 years early & start working early

The opportunities from the ivy league school are probably worth it

Ivy if you're smart enough to last there. If you aren't, you'll have a much better time at a state university.

>working for minimum wage when you could just graduate and make fucking bank in comparison

Brilliant lmao

What a AL DENTE picture of a man

if !whore state_uni.exe; else PROFIT

Let me guess, you’re still in high school & you’re falling for the college meme?
Have fun being 30k in debt with a shitty degree no one cares about working at the fame dead end job you could’ve started with early

>working at the same dead end job you could’ve started with early
Your resume wouldn't even be looked at without a degree in most fields. What the hell are you talking about?

Tbh I would just watch YouTube tutorials and potty train myself. You don't need to attend a top university to get your potty training certification.

>smart enough to last there
You're cute. You don't need to be smart to make it in ivy league, just rich or connected. George W. Bush went to Yale. You won't make meaningful connections as a poorfag, because you'll always be seen as the poorfag. You'll get shit out straight into wageslavery, albiet a higher tier of wage slavery.

Much better to be smart and debt free at a state uni, make connections with people that aren't as exclusive, then get out and do your own thing.

1. only go to college for compsci, accounting, pre-law, pre-med, or any non-bio engineering
2. only the degree + internships + connections matter. nothing else does

>go to college
>fall for stem degree meme
>apply at 1000 places
>get temp job at lab working minimum wage while hiring firm middlemen PARASITES get your $21 an hour the employer offers and you get barely over minimum wage
>they replace you with pajeet or woman temp
>get stuck living with parents to be able to pay off all debt or be in debt as compounding interest fucks you

Its not worth it, take all the money you would have spent for college and put it toward a house or business and just learn real skills and learn on your own


I'm too old for that shit but if I had it to do over I would go straight into trades and start a business.

>just start a business with no capital, no connections, and no skills/experience
What the fuck business will you open? A lemonade stand?
>School is a scam bro all the statistics showing college grads literally triple the lifetime earnings of highschool grads are just a lie!
Yeah bro don't fall for (((their))) lies

I went to an Ivy League. Worth it for the connections. Multiple guys in my frat were worth $10mm+. If I ever need a job or to be set up they have my back.

>go to state uni
>don’t try in school
>work on side business
>join frat, drink, fugg teens
>build online income to fill-time level
>graduate with my memories, on track to be wealthy by 30, never have to get a job

I did this from 2011-2016, and it was awesome.

university is a meme at this point with equality and consistently lowering standards
which is why every job demands x years of experience.
take a trade, build your own houses with builderbro connections you'll make by 30-35.
buy land/build on it/sell it
retire at 50
my brother's father in law did this, he started as a plasterer and now owns 10 properties outright that he built and rents out, no mortgages. plumber or electrician would be the most lucrative on the way up imo

also most billionaires don't have university education, some not even high school

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>What the fuck business will you open?
not him but plumbing, electrical, security, painting, janitorial, welding, HVAC, landscaping, concrete, paving, etc., etc.

yes, some of those require initial investments, but you can easily get that by borrowing against your very first sale of $100k or more.

it depends how much the loans are. there is probably like a 10% chance that student loans get forgiven at some point if you put them off long enough with minimum payments depending on who gets elected (though there's a decent chance they'll just be a campaign promise that never actually gets implemented)

generally once you're out of school you advance on your competence but connections help a lot to get your foot in the door. generally post-grad degrees are more important than undergrad anyway so it makes more sense to go to state school for a degree and then take out loans to go to business/law/medical school or whatever for your masters/PhD

>also most billionaires don't have university education, some not even high school

[citation needed]
That is such bullshit lmao, do you really think people make billions in tech and finance without a highschool education???

You can't open a business doing any licensed trade because you are not a licensed tradesman.

google it zoomer

>You can't open a business doing any licensed trade because you are not a licensed tradesman.
half of those don't require a license, and getting a license costs far less than one semester at a state college.

>You can't open a business doing any licensed trade because you are not a licensed tradesman.
also I guess just to point out the obvious

I don't need to be a licensed contractor to hire licensed contractors and put them to work.

but I suppose you'd need an MBA to come up with that idea?

lol dude you just claimed most billionaires don't have a college degree because of what? because you read that bill gates and mark zuckerberg dropped out of harvard? most billionaires have a college degree retard.

>most billionaires have a college degree retard.
most billionaires have an honorarium or 100

but then so does bill cosby. Or he did.

>getting a license costs far less than one semester at a state college

It takes years to complete an apprenticeship. You can't just fucking open a business as an electrician and start wiring people's houses at 18 LOL. #1 who will hire you and #2 who's going to insure you for when you burn down or flood your first customer's house?

Wait... So I'm suppose to google and find stats to disprove YOUR claim?

it's obviously bullshit you dumb idiot.

yeah they have an honorary degree in addition to their regular degree.

i just looked it up. 87.5% of billionaires have an actual college degree. 12.5% dropped out or never went. this is according to Forbes.

>You can't just fucking open a business as an electrician and start wiring people's houses at 18 LOL
I'm a licensed contractor but you won't find me personally working on your structure. My subs do that.

>don't need to be a licensed contractor to hire licensed contractors and put them to work.
>but I suppose you'd need an MBA to come up with that idea?

So let me get this straight.

At 18 years old with no money, no experience or skills you're going to begin managing licensed tradesmen and running a contracting business? That is ridiculous.

I do it now

If I could I would have started learning the ropes at 14 and been doing it much sooner.

yeah i'm sure all these dudes who have spent years in apprenticeships and joined unions are going to be totally cool with him paying them a small percentage of the profits from jobs he has them do while he sits at home and does no work. he's delusional.