ITT we post screenshots of reporting Chainlink to the SEC

ITT we post screenshots of reporting Chainlink to the SEC.

It's free, it takes 5min, and it makes linkers SEETHE.

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bumping for seething stinkers

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you all look like old dying out royalty

Please post pasta.

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seethe harder shitcoiner

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> Me wasting my time makes blinkers seethe!
I sold 95% of my stack at 3.82 the other day, but if you think anyone gives a shit that you sent something that the SEC isn't even going to read, is sad.

I believe Chainlink (LINK) the cryptocurrency has committed securities fraud. They did an ICO in 2017 while living, working from and operating in the US.

Their company is registered in the Cayman, but they live, work and promote their tokens to and from the USA. They did not allow the sale to US retail investors, but they did nothing to prevent the ICO buyers to immediately resell their tokens to US retail investors.

They are and have been actively marketing their token to US retail investors by doing marketing collaborations and (fake) "partnerships" with US companies. They also go to several US conventions and events every year and promote their token at those events.

They use deceitful marketing and partnerships with US companies to get US retail investors to buy their tokens. Since the technology is difficult to understand for unsophisticated investors, this mostly goes unnoticed.

They claim to have partnered with Swift and have paid to have this news published in various news outlet. This has been proven false. They claim to have partnered with Google and many news outlets have picked up this fake news. This has been proven to be false. They claim to have partnered with Oracle and many news outlets have picked up this fake news. This has been proven to be false. They claim to have decentralized oracle technology. This has been proven false.

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>forgot to add sergey betrayed us, we were supposed to be in this together


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The team lies about the marketcap of the token. It has a circulating supply of 1,000,000,000 but they claim it is only 350,000,000

The LINK token was added to Coinbase when it was already valued at $4 ($4 billion marketcap), which allowed hundreds of millions of US retail investors to buy the LINK token at this price. It has since hovered between $2-4, costing Americans a loss of up to 50%. A big part of the loss comes from the Chainlink team market selling millions of tokens on Binance.

It will most likely cost Americans much more in the future considering it has a ridiculously overvalued market cap of $4 billion, no decentralized technology and barely any users, and also considering the team holds 65% of the tokens ($3 billion valuation).

this might work better if you added links to verifiable sources for the claims you are making

You know what happened to the emperor right after that scene?

Thanks man.

Rent free

>They are and have been actively marketing their token to US retail investors by doing marketing collaborations and (fake) "partnerships" with US companies

>They use deceitful marketing and partnerships with US companies to get US retail investors to buy their tokens

>They claim

>which allowed hundreds of millions of US retail investors to buy the LINK token at this price

And this kids is why you go to law school.

Worst FUD ever, he doesn't even try to get the SEC enticed he just posts a bunch of biased unproven allegations hahahahha

so they don't have an official telegram full of american bagholders?

Do they , I honestly have no clue

Just saying friend you need to step it up

i'm not op but i'm 100% sure they do and i'm pretty sure they have an office in US and that they have been shilling at american conferences for the last 2 years non stop
they have also been dumping bags directly onto the market, last dump was 6 days ago
they are doing the exact same as the xrp team - derisking
they are currently in a lawsuit for doing what chainlink is doing

Learn securities law retard. You're incorrect.

You cannot sell unregistered securities FROM the USA even if you sell them abroad.

You cannot allow the reselling of your unregistered securities to US retail investors. If you lose control of restricting the resell of your securities (ie an cryptocurrency), that's illegal.

You cannot operate from the USA and market to the USA via US partnerships and US events to sell unregistered securities.

Having a company in the Cayman does not mean you're no longer operating in the USA, if you obviously live, work and promote in the USA, you're "operating" in the USA.

You cannot make fake claims about your tech, like being decentralized when you're not, circulating supply, and make fake claims about US partnerships, like when you say you're partnered with Swift and Google, when you're not, to try to sell your Securities to US retail investors.

Boomers trying to citizens arrest Chainlink is the most hilarious thing I've seen in the past month

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$0 EOY

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LMAO bet

>asking glowniggers to investigate themselves
lmao good luck with that

This will take Chainlink $LINK down to $2.

Linkers have gone awfully quiet.

>thinking the glow niggers who run the SEC and Chainlink give a fuck about OPs love letter

the sec love dishing out fines
don't you think they want money?

lel can i have a copypasta i don't want to type it all out.

I’m so bullish on this. Get the SEC involved. All publicity is good publicity. 1k EOY

which 1?

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