Squandered my youth

>squandered my youth
>mid 20s and a total loser

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Same here. Don't remind me.

I blame my dad for fucking my youth over. When I graduated in 2017, the family small business tanked and now I have to live with my parents so they don’t go bankrupt while all my friends live in the city with great social lives.

It only gets worse user, in your 30s you alternate between suicidal and enraged all the time

im 19 and im in that state

>im 19 and im in that state
its not too late for you

Nope, I will better myself and not compare myself to normies.

>I will better myself
i would too. but unfortunately we've missed too many milestones.

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>tfw living with ADHD

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i was 19 and in that state but now im 20 and working my way out of it. i could prolly have my life together within the next year, but it needs to happen before im 23. absolute latest is 25, past that point YOURE FUCKED

Have easy habits that you follow everyday. Get a skill or make money some way. Find a bitch.
Read Mini habits: Smaller habits, bigger results. And other books to kick-start ones life.

That’s a bad attitude. Look at hitler, total nobody but he never gave up and became the best leader to ever live. Never give up, do it for hitler.

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20s were a nightmare for me, but I'm in my early 30s now and I'm coming out of my cage (and I've been doing just fine).

I agree.

We hate normies but we compare ourselves to them all the time. All you really need is some money a skill and a woman.

It's never too late.

*piano music*
>The scene before you is one of melancholy. The figure hunched over in darkness before you is user, his face illuminated by the gleam of the computer screen. It's an ending of sorts. A sunset of the life of a shiposter Yas Forums knew as "user". user's fingers type out a fury of vitriol yet in his heart this can't be further from the truth. As he calls another anonymous Yas Forums user a "nigger-loving kike", he grins to himself but that flash of self-satisfaction disappears almost as quickly as it came. The dopamine which before flooded his brain with lucid satisfaction failed to rear it's head this time. user and those like him at one point conquered the mountain of internet debates have found that the mountain is in fact made of sand. There were no foundations of their so called "satisfaction" built up by becoming image board shitposters and they always knew it. But as the (you)'s rolled in, they never thought once to think beyond them and find friends, mend a broken relationship with their mother or a lover. They never once registered that it was all ephemeral. Because perhaps the fate of all of us shitposter and lurker alike is to come out the other side broken...and changed. Perhaps each and every one of us will take our turn in the shadow of user, as we are hunched over in the prison of our own creation, creating a "how are you holding up thread" for the millionth time as a desperate cry for help and ranting about trannies and pajeets on Yas Forums.

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its just your mid 20's fucking calm down.
I went from mid-20's loser to:
graduating at 28, got a great comfy engineering job that pays well for my flyover state is easy as balls and looks amazing on paper. got an actually not crazy woman who is about to be a surgeon. bought the dip and already made comfy profit equivalent to half a year of work.
It can and will get better if you quit self-loathing.

Hitler was a decorated war veteran and decent painter

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

It’s nothing special

i'm so poor it's sad

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what type of business is this?


>decent painter
Then why wasn't he accepted into art school? Obviously the successful applicants would all be in the "decent" range, as there would be no point in trying to teach a master nor a fool.

Do you atleast have money?

what'd you buy?

Hitler is one of the greatest inspirations out there, I need to remember whenever I'm feeling really down to think about him and his life

>Do you atleast have money?
yeah, some. 85k salary in a medium cost of living area.

What engineering jobs? What type?

My 30mg IR of Adderall only lasts 2.5 hours and my psychiatrist won't prescribe me more than 60mg a day

hitler doing onions face wtf

>tfw 24, 25 in june
>exact same place

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>be me, 41
>reading the despair of the young pups in their 20s saying it’s too late

The real despair comes many years later when you realize you didn’t seize the time now.

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Same bro

Habits are legitimately a great thing to look into. As long as you don't go full retard and get into bad habits you'll do great.

Family can be the biggest barrier to success or the biggest enabler.... no in between. i feel ya

Objectively something to consider. You don't have to agree with nazisim to acknowledge his prowess

This is true. A lot can happen before 30, and you'd still be young