What degrees are worth pursuing?

What degrees are worth pursuing?

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Bump, help a college guy out
I was thinking getting into Finance

gender studies

Math, 300k starting


Murder and espionage

CS. But only go to college if you're there on scholarship.

Also, RUSH. It helped me cure my autism

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1400° to 1800° farenheit

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Healthcare-related like PA or doctor. Demand is only going to go up as boomers get older. The pay is really good too.

Degree that actually teaches you a skill that lands you a job. Like CS. Engineering. Accounting.

Also, make sure to get the degree - if you quick before graduating, all you get is a big debt, with no payoff.

Finally, make sure it's in a field that you don't at least hate. There's nothing more demoralizing than going to work 5 days a week doing crap you can't stand.

A lot of retards will have you working hard for someone else. If I were to go into college, I would go into the memeist degree possible, something like business management or business process and smooch and make as many connections as possible. You would find me on the golf course as often as you'd find me in class, if not more often.

any secrets for autism cure?

Engineering, Law or Medicine. As is as always will be. Everything else is a meme

How about doing something you enjoy? Don't know what you want?...then don't fucking go to college and don't even ask, don't waste your money.
By the time you are 18, you should have some idea of the direction you want, even if its 'maybe I want to be an engineer but not sure which type?'..but definitely don't want to be a teacher or nurse' type shit.
Do something you can see yourself doing for 40 years, and getting paid to boot. Anything else is a loooong waste of time.

>t. 50 year old 'ok boomer'

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really saturated business. unless you graduate top14 law school, you'll be filling out wills for old ladies making 90k

Booze and good company that will give you a friendly push to go out with them and have a good time every couple weeks.

Literally none. The only one that gets you money is CS but it turns you into a soulless STEMmonkey. There are no options besides military, being born rich or praying for $1000 EOY

Also, how bright are you? Do you have SAT or ACT scores, or do you know your class position in high school?

Ya, PA here, its decent, cost of school is insane 140k in debt, 95k salary. Have a house, hoping to pay off student loans in 4 years.

I know where I want to live and the life I want to have (humble life out on the country side).
But don't know how to achieve that via what degree to get

If it helps I have a 118 IQ, not bad but not great.
Unfortunately Medicine is probably not an option with this information

right around 120 is the 90th percentile and its where you see a particularly bright undergrad that probably shouldn't go on to grad school.
Since you already said that you have an end goal in mind, is it safe to say that any education/job you get is just a means to an end?

Avoid mechanical engineering, over crowded fields and you end up doing electrical/computer work anyways.

anything without drinking?
t.30yo boomer

Same thing but with weed instead of booze

I would like to get my Masters in whatever I end up graduating in and I know for a fact I could do it (if it's Finance/Business related).
I just want to make decent money and a have a job that would allow me to live in a semi-rural area (don't like big cities).
I was thinking some sort of Finance degree that specializes in Analyzing or something of that matter.

>140k school
>90k salary
You got fucked, bro, in terms of salary and costs. Try breaking into surgery or transplant. I cannot believe you paid that much, I literally went to a community college (AACC) lmao.

CS or engineering (particularly chemical, electrical, aerospace, biomed).
DO NOT fucking do physics, chemistry, or medicine.

But the gubberment job i want pays $126K
Idk about you Boomer but imma sell my soul for immediate personal gain and satisfaction future be damned

This, I regret my Mech E degree and realized afterwards I should have done electrical or CS

Why not Medicine?

absolutely cucked schedule/environment
plus the slow creep of socialism will absolutely destroy any incentive in the field within the next 10 years.

Yeah but you're given tons of flexibility as far as choosing where you get to live (you can live in the city or countryside). Plus the hours can't be too bad so long as you're not Emergency or super highly specialized.
Alas I'm too brainlet for it anyways :(