How would you invest $50,000 per year for the next 10 years

How would you invest $50,000 per year for the next 10 years.

Attached: 1586819456921.jpg (2560x1714, 721.06K)

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British american tobacco

Bitcoin and farm land with indisputable water rights

Unironically this and some high divvy stocks.

How many LINK would you feel comfortable buying?

Target date retirement fund based on your age. That's too much money to not bank safely and not worry about money when I can't make anymore.

I already max out my 401k.

>I already max out my 401k.
not an american here 401k's have a max limit?

Yeah $19,500

Blend of dividend growth with active dividend funds? Assuming you'd want to back off of any active income and instead build more passive income for you to live off of right now.

You could try to understand things like REITs better and try to cherry pick quality businesses when prices take a hit for reasons that don't correlate with a 'bad business'. I wouldn't want everything in one basket so small allocations at certain price points so that you're buying higher yields that should in theory be sustained.

I'd put all of it in Pyro Network. Guaranteed billionaire (with a b) in a few years as supply becomes lower. You could corner a great amount with $50k.

Attached: PYRO-Network-Airdrop-PYRO.jpg (400x400, 10.99K)

I invest around $90k a year and this is what I do:
>$19.5k in 401k in 2065 vanguard retirement fund (VLXVX)
>$6k goes to a (backdoor) Roth IRA in a 40/60 split of UPRO/TMF rebalanced at least quarterly (rebalanced more often during volatile times like now)
>The rest goes into a taxable account in vanguard total market index fund (VTI)
Eventually I'll get some more exposure to international and maybe bonds, but I'm still young and not wealthy yet.
If you're investing $50k/yr, you don't need to take huge risks like most of the poor, third worlders on this forum hoping to leave their shithole countries through some miraculous 50,000% gain. Invest in US/World equity and some US/World bonds, and you'll be wealthy enough.

for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, I would keep it in cash, find a savings account with as high of an interest rate as you can

>guaranteed billionaire
[citation needed]

land, bitcoin, gold
in that order

24,000 a year. 12,000 now, 250 a week forever.

Attached: 6E980823-6E14-4142-8D47-F5CCC6C80231.gif (500x375, 1.45M)

Invest in gold mines, literally

I'd put it all in SPY. Pretty much what I'm doing maxing out my 401(k) and Roth IRA.

Imagine giving your money to someone else to invest it when the internet allows for direct buys

Imagine not understanding the tax benefits that 401(k)s provide. You can actively manage your 401(k).

Where I even do I acquire this

Why VTI in taxable without VXUS? AND you're using leveraged funds in the Roth, the balls on this guy

>giving your goy fiat goy bux to the very same people who jew'd you
>ooops sorry sir we are taking 25% out of your retirement to pay for the illegals and gibs. srry not srry

Literally will never happen.

Depends how much risk your willing to take.


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Thank you user, care to quickly shill this coin to me?

>Why VTI in taxable without VXUS?
I only have 5 figures in VTI so far, so I haven't decided my internal allocation percentage yet. I need to read more into international allocations and make a decision.
>AND you're using leveraged funds in the Roth
The leveraged funds have the highest expected return, so I put them in the most tax efficient account. I'm hoping they can continue to outperform the S&P500 over a long period of time. Interests rates are low so leverage is cheap.
>the balls on this guy
I hold a year of expenses in a savings account and have a good job in a booming field, so my appetite for risk can be a bit higher.