Do you budget your income Yas Forums?
Do you budget your income Yas Forums?
pre covid bucks while wageslaving:
15% rent
5% car insurance
10% nicotine addiction
15% alchoholism
10% food
15% weed
20% cash surplus
10% gas
Covid bucks & laid off NEET life:
rent: 25%
car insurance: 10%
food: 15%
nicotine addiction: 10%
stonks: 15%
cash surplus: 5%
>20% cash surplus & stonks**
40% pot 30% crypto 15% insurance,10% food, 5% gas
and yea I live on 7500 a year. If only I could work, Im an inneet. Involuntary neet.
That can't be real surely no one is that stupid
What disgusting fucking simpery. For a bitch you'll never see, hear, smell, or touch in person. JFC, strip clubs are going out of business for this retarded horseshit??
...also if you cant survive on like 50$ a week in food youre braindead. I see people complaining about 200 a week and shit.
Oh stfu, you're a neet because you want to be. Kids with fucking down syndrome can bag groceries, but you can't?
> Doubt intensifies
holy fuck from the thumbnail i thought it was a girl saying her onlyfans wage was finally higher than her rent payment. somehow this is even more disgusting.
You are the hiring manager. You have a choice between a 16 year old who can work normal hours or a guy with a digestive problem that puts him in the washroom for multiple hours some days at random, and who has to take work off half way through the day sometimes. Someone who has to take multiple times more than the 10 days a year allotted off.
No, you cant get a job, and if you do you wont hold it. Now throw back problems and anxiety with a tranquilizer prescription on and youre fucked.
Ive shit blood for a decade.
This is my budget for the past 4 months
this must be faked. this guy even looks EXACTLY like sojak
Listen son, you just need to go up to the manager, give him a firm handshake, and say "Sir, I would like to work at your fine establishment", and walla, you'll have yourself a job that can easily buy you a house in a decent neighborhood within 10 years of working.
well I track it, not sure if I really enforce a budget on myself/my wife.
You should look for some type of work that does not require clocking in and clocking out regular hours.
People work freelance, user. You just need to build a skill.
A hundred guys throwing her a 20 isnt too shameful, a single man giving an e thot thousands is fucking pathetic
With the anxiety problem that would make all the difference in the world, not having to jump through 17 hoops and go on a wild goose chase looking for Terry in the stock room without being an employee and shit, Itd be a lot easier to apply and find temporary work. Of course youre joking though, it hasnt been like that for 50-70 years.
The worst part is the welfare dicks offer zero job placement assistance, one of those temp agencies or something that literally finds a job for you. That would be grand.
Th-that's not a real tweet, right?
You know what the worst thing about this is? It's not the fact that he's spending that that much money for some woman he's never met, that's bad enough, it's the fact that he's painting it as a positive thing to empower women instead of a simply transaction for his own sexual gratification.
Being a whore is definitely not being empowered.
Lol poorfags
Try doing that when you cant afford to live in a city and live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
>censored name
>with a blue checkmark
Keep making excuses. It will improve your situation.
No, it wont, but thats easy for you to say. Making it with crypto or bust at this point.
>bagging groceries past age 17
Being homeless is less humiliating
Btw nobody bags groceries anymore, they give you the bags and you put them in.
So have I and I still work
Not with absolutely hard and fast numbers, but I've been planning my finances months in advance since 2013 with an Excel spreadsheet
The last job I had lasted 4 months and only because I tried to hide that I had a medical problem at all. I was wrongfully dismissed for taking 6/10 days off and was awarded money for it afterwards. I would disappear into the washroom and hope my bosses didnt notice I wasnt on the floor. It only works for so long, and theres only so many jobs you can lose before you cant apply anywhere. At this point Im scared to even apply because if I lose it, I cant apply afterwards. I have to be absolutely sure my life situation is okay to work the job, because its gone when I lose it as an opportunity. Anxiety fucks with your head.
No, I don't think I will