48 cents per gallon. What a time to be alive. Fill up your tank chads

48 cents per gallon. What a time to be alive. Fill up your tank chads.

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Still 2 bucks a gallon here in Jew York

Stewarts is at 2.09 here in the capital region

thanks to the pandemic and that viral pic of that fat girl scratching her butt at the gas pump I haven't been to a gas station in months

also when'll RBOB futures go negative?

California I’m paying 2.30 a gallon. Fucking why?

>that viral pic of that fat girl scratching her butt at the gas pump
Wait what?

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75 cents a liter in Canada still, and thats the price of socializing a bunch of shitskin millstones around the nations neck

4.3 usd per gallon in croatia

is this bullish?

Because you live in the shittiest state in the nation.

taxes brah

upstate ny here
paid $2.29/gallon about half an hour ago
this is so fucking gay fucking cuomo

>owning a car in california


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>gas price a few weeks ago: $1.80
>oil goes to -30 dollars/barrel
>prices here still $1.80 for gas

Meanwhile if there's even the slightest hint of any minor volatility in some middle eastern backwater, they make sure to hike all the gas prices by at least 30 cents within hours

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Taxes lmao. California does whatever it can to fuck over whites and give money to mexcrement.

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in fact, I might never go to a gas station again

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user, it is a massive fucking state with garbage mass transit

I will crawl through a mile of barbed wire for a whiff of that gas pump

55.9 cents/litre here Canada sucks.

You literally need a car anywhere outside of SF, and SF still has shittier public transit than NYC so it's good to have a car there too.

wear gloves moron that is what ive been doing

yep, just filled her up last night and my wallet is still bulging with cash

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Checked, based and boomerpilled


it's better this way

Because California is more left than Canada is, and thats quite a feat because Canada is pretty much on the brink of communism.

Fucking disgusting. I dont wanna touch gas pumps anymore.

How would any of you go about calling out someone like that without the risk of them flinging poop at you? Wish there were facepics to humilate her in public.

for once it feels good to be a New Jerseyan because my gas gets pumped for me.

I paid 65 cents per gallon last week. It was 1.65 but with a Kroger card and maximum discount it takes one dollar of the price per gallon. OPs pic probably has a similar set up.