Guys what does it feel like?

Guys what does it feel like?

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nothing remarkable
its far better to cuddle with my fellow Kings than wasting time with things that God made purely for entertainment


like warm apple pie.

well, for me, I am unable to spread my legs that far apart.
It would be extremely painful.
I guess i am not very flexible.

oh its the best man, its like cuddling with ur mom in bed when u were young

That's a man

bags of sand

A flood of beautiful neurotransmitters. It feels like Christmas mornings

Nothing feels better than putting your throbbing dick into a girl that you like dripping wet pussy when shes on top. Especially the feeling of seeing her cum face when she starts shaking from an orgasm, falls forward and her shallow breath is on your neck. Feels good man

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Like a man

just plain suffering

it is

I wouldn’t know, I’m a 27 y/o KHV

Based and Spartanpilled shieldbrother

>into a girl that you like
>you like
get a load of this faggot

You're a flexible guy

Might of just met her that night, liked her enough

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Lol based

for you

nudge nudge wink wink

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>crisps for chips

If sacred prostitution was only still a thing, hhmm?

salty milk and coins

it's fine. fleeting.


If you use SSRIs, then it feels like nothing but you can last forever and are amazing to her

Written like somebody who just lost his virginity

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i don't know, and I don't care to know
t. 6' 7/10 fit 28yr KHV

cum comes when a guy cums. a girl can't cum. she can't have a cum face unless you mean cum stained face. she can have a "orgasmic face" though, and you can like "seeing her face while she is coming"

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I wish I know
I’d do anything to know what it feels like

*cum comes when a guy comes

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Nah probably have had more sex than you during quarantine then most people on this board

Stop watching anime

I can’t type for shit right now holy fuck

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tight and wet, hurts a little bit

Like noggers tounging my anus