/smg/ - Stock Market General

oh no no no no edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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AYTU the Heallight company!

UV beams to disinfect the lungs, FTW!

I love cunny.

I only respect cunny bros!

So are companies taking government money when they don't actually need it?
Boeing are crying for money but are reopening shit, it doesn't make sense. Are companies using stimulus for share buybacks? Is that legal?

Life is funny, tankers make money


You an Afghan faggot?

>One year rate of return: -80%

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40 Bucks
What do I buy?

$10K in STNG here, make sure to buy before the earnings report on May 7 for free money

An 8th of kush

If the FBI is listening just know that I absolutely do not respect women bros.

General Electric.

a decent meal

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Some pills to swallow

I'm starting to think it might be time to buy airlines soon.

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Have you read the reports that SALT is the better buy compared to STNG? SALT owns a ton of STNG shares and is cheaper compared to its NAV.

so is tomorrow the big dip?

An hour of my bootyhole




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its not worth that much holy...


Uhh... Thanks?

I thought we were meant to crash

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I want the homosexual reddit faggot to leave bros.

Coffee bros WW@?

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> 1 year return on March 16th 2020 was 165%
> April 27th -67.98%
It's been...a really bad month.

Any stonks that basically run in correlation with silver? Should I bother or is silver only going up with a rise in werewolves?

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A book about investing, save a up a couple hundred bucks before buying stocks.

Which one?

a once in a generation short-squeeze is happening this week. hope you got on board today

All in JCP calls, you could get 20 contracts for that, that's 20 million bucks once it happens.

i have 1.3k but its settling. made some proft today

Futures in 24 minutes. Place your bets here as to what it will be like.

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Texas just announced they’re opening back up on Friday.

+500 is my guess.

Futures were -0.50% yesterday after opening too. Only the bRRRrrr factors matters.

spy 300 tomorrow
500 weds
1000 friday
next monday we'll all be trillionaires bros

If I don't make a good portion back, I'll at least get maximum capital gains loss every year for the rest of my life. ha.

Read that and bought. Kind of salty I didn’t sell at the peak today but assuming it will go up in the near future

I bought this stock on a whim to diversify my holdings...can someone explain what happened here?

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but seriously the one who has 30+ posts every thread, no long positions, and no life.

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say why or fuck off

Daily reminder that if your account is worth less than 10k USD, your opinion on the market or what specific stocks to buy is irrelevant and you have no business posting here.

In before:
>I made a whole $400 once and 400% on a trade! I'm skilled at trading and ur just jealous11111!

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Actually bearish as it means less chance for stimulus, do u even clown?

i think Asia will pump futures up to holy hell. +1.5%

The sad part is, I'm in a shitty tax situation and am looking forward to claiming my losses. Hopefully my puts print before tax day or the IRS will very likely garnish my wages and at that point I'll probably snap very soon after. Has anyone on /biz ever an heroed or tried for a high score before?

Incredibly based

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You have to show us what you bought retard

DIX and GEX still look bullish to me, we're in for another week of great green greatness

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but I want to keep it a secret

Barely, and they've been falling. We're also at support. Very iffy. But short squeeze to the 3000s by all means

What stocks are undervalued right now? Is oil or defense/tech still good to get into now or is over?

my thoughts as well


>tfw balls deep in oil shorts over the futures break
fuck me I forgot to close these

am I literally dead in 15 minutes?

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Checked and fuck off

oil still has room for gains

If you're buying USO thanks for the money fren cheers

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>He chose to be the virgin oil company stock holder
>Not the Chad DHT oil tanker holder which effectivly will cuck oil companies
I told yall niggas bout that DHT

what do I buy when I cash out of my $20K MMM position tomorrow?

I'm in OKE and RDS.B and am wondering if I should pick up one more company with my last cash or wait?

tankers are a pump and dump, oil companies are gonna go back to where they were guaranteed

>No Fit-thick well hydrated gf
Why live.


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Take your pick.

Yay or nay?

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