>out of 5 million tested, 1 million have the virus >which means millions and millions of people probably have the virus and haven't tested for it >which means the deathrate is probably closer to the common flu, if not lower
>ww3 literally to commence any minute now >not happening
wew lad glow harder
Camden Peterson
le glow in le dark lol
Aaron Watson
>which means millions and millions of people probably have the virus and haven't tested for it yes you sub nigger tier dumbfuck, because there is no selection bias for who gets a fucking test, eh retard??? jesus fuck
>China claiming no infected people anymore >"It's all ok!"
Alexander Lee
>>which means the deathrate is probably closer to the common flu, if not lower Already way higher you retarded donkey, try to keep up
Zachary Parker
Reminder social distancing is only justified in the effort to keep your max active cases below the carrying capacity of your hospital. Given that is true you should be accelerating the exposure between low risk demographics to minimize the time to which her immunity is achieved.
The way they are treating this virus is a happening in itself.
Jace Allen
we've already doubled the normal flu death rate in the US, and that was in 2 months instead of a year.
the reality is this fucker hasn't even gotten started yet.
Angel Watson
>People getting tested aren’t the ones showing symptoms or in close contact with confirmed cases
what if i told you that the random antibody tests show the same thing? who's the nigger now?
Owen Cruz
>herd immunit reminder to the reddit dumbfuck. there is no evidence nor any reason to expect people to gain lasting immunity from reinfection. there is however published evidence showing zero to fleeting (and only partial) protection for SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in the literature, and there is historical prescedent for no protection from reinfection with another human coronavirus H229E which causes respiratory tract infections. >in summary you do not know what the fuck you are talking about
i have not done so, however just because natural infection might not confer protective immunity does not mean tht a cleverly designed vaccine cannot confer protection. it is worth a try
''...antibodies for COVID-19 in between 2.8 and 5.6% of the population of LA County, suggesting that between 221,000 and 442,000 individuals had the infection — up to 55 times more people than have been confirmed via testing''
''Hard-hit New York, the first state to do its own antibody testing, found an estimated 13.9% prevalence rate statewide, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. The rate was even higher in New York City, at 21.2%.
The state randomly tested 3,000 people who were out shopping. Cuomo said the results may be high because they tested people who were out, not people who are isolating at home.''
''Before releasing those patients, though, they had to be tested. Out of 87 patients total, 50 tested positive—and none had shown any symptoms.''
''And a new analysis of widespread testing in the town of Vo, Italy, found that 43% of people who tested positive showed no symptoms. Neither report has yet been peer reviewed.''
at least take 5 minutes out of your day to research something before showing your retardation.
Grayson Young
I love the Coronavirus data because Happooners/click-bait news get so excited about how contagious the virus is, then they realize that those outrageous numbers show how truly harmless the virus really is.
>No you can't get immunity from exposure to a disease with a trivial case fatality rate for your age you have to pay us for this vaccine this is one of the biggest shill comments I've ever seen. kys.
The inflection point was reached under 100k deaths countries without social distancing have shown no difference to those with social distancing
Robert Jenkins
In fact countries with social distancing have worse results
Joshua Reyes
>Out of 87 patients total, 50 tested positive—and none had shown any symptoms. Imagine pic related holding nothing.
I literally don't understand this line of thinking. Just absolute fucking nonsense and you stick your head in the ground when data is presented showing how fucking stupid you are.
Sure signs of schizophrenia.
Ryder Smith
What if I told you one of those "random" studies recruited using ads on facebook and another went around asking people if they wanted to be tested for covid antibodies.
Those "random" studies, are just as prone to self selection as the swabs.
Ayden Myers
"randomly testing" is not the same as "randomly asking if they want to be tested for CoViD19" The bottom line is that these are not controlled double blind studies. They are highly prone to self selection.
Easton Martinez
if we killed 56k with an infection rate somewhere between 6 and 22% then we can expect anywhere from 1/4 million to 1 million deaths.
this is an underestimate though because both infection rates are taken from extremely large cities, and one of them represents the very worst exposure in the US.
so realistically another 1-5 million deaths in the US are possible, GOING OFF THE STATISTICS SHOWN.
Grayson Sanders
Sweden 225 deaths/mm USA 171 deaths/mm
I know, math is hard. Go blow a fucking sand nigger.
Noah Adams
wow look at all those countries above sweden you absolute faggot