Addicted to lit staking

Addicted to lit staking

Attached: willworkforlit.gif (640x360, 3.17M)

Its insane

50% staking rewards, fuck my life

Not gonna lie I read that as "Will rape for food" XDDDDDDDDDD

A man does what a man needs to do

FOR FOOD?!?! haha yes i would rapoe

More rape for LIT bro

Attached: cheaplit.gif (500x318, 1.07M)

I put 50k lit in to stake this morning. Put compound on. What am I going to get?

why are u shilling lit? it's so transparant that you want us to buy your bag or something, what does this token even do lmao

How long lock in? 30-50%, the longer lock in the more

Check and then check I will not spoonfeed

homeless coin + broken network. bullish?

The network is up and running, what do you mean? Lition has worked together with Quorum to solve the consensus because Quorum got the same issues.
Mainnet TWO soon and then moon! Im accumulating my generational wealth atm and i really cant stop

Went with a month at a time.

Welcome to the club, LITIAN!

Attached: checkinglitstaking.gif (200x112, 448.78K)

probably around 40 LIT per day. I think it depends on the total payout how much you gonna get.

If youre in for 12 months you will be getting about 60 lit per day!

Stop making threads. My reward went down 3% yesterday even though total staking reward for the pool went up 1.7%.

I used to walk by exactly where that picture was taken in LA every day after after school.

Attached: lit pepe.png (600x600, 199.28K)

Shut the hell up and buy lit

I’m retarded, how do you set up multiple stakes? Or can you not? I accidentally set one up for 1 month because I thought you could set more but now when I try to make another deposit for 6 months it gives me an error. I have $15 worth of ETH in metamask as well. What do?

fuck these normie gifs this is not your pajeet twitter or telegram... fucking cancer

literally said what I thought, fuck off niggers

please tell me that you can stake on the exchange

I have like 6 stakes on one address. Read the tutorial, be sure to send the two transactions to deposit and set the gas limit for the last to 1500000. Its fucking easy

Thanks. Is that what the holders are called? Kek

And that compounds back into the next day? That's really fucking good returns. ~0.8% a day. Nice. Which is most accurate market cap? Coin gecko or cmc?

Coin gecko. Shows the real circulating (60mil) and max (100mil) supply

Yeah if you chose compound rewards it will be inserted into your stake every day

No.... litards is our name