Ask a guy who just bought more BSV anything.
Ask a guy who just bought more BSV anything
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how big is your prostate?
how does it feel being part of the bitshitv cult and being stupid
Doesn't scale
Transparent chains suck glow nigga balls
Does it scale?
are you at the stage where you have any self-awareness? or are you so locked into the scam that you still can't see correctly?
note: a good test for this is to try to explain your investment thesis to an outside normie. if you find yourself becoming embarrassed, self-aware, feelings of being foolish. huge red flag that you are a scam victim.
Why BSV over BTC?
You got any good reads or video's?
It scales. Read Satoshi.
Why would you buy into the ugliest crypto chart? Everything is about to dump you idiot
What's your horoscope, bro?
Also should I sell my LINK for (more) BSV?
are you fucking stupid?
only problem is spv only works as intended on bitcoin not the shitforks bch and bchsv
How old were you when you realized you were into having scammer fags like craig shit on you?
Not your financial advisor. I will say imo LINK is a premined scam.
Are you?
Females follow horoscopes. I’m not a female so I wouldn’t know. You are OBVIOUSLY a disinfo scamming “bull” shill trying to sucker people into buying the top. Slit your wrists
Phishing websites exist for literally every crypto wallet in existence.
Such an attitude on you. Just tell me your horoscope, big guy.
it's easy, for spv to work trustlessly the network needs to be byzantine fault tolerant. and the shitforks simply don't have the hash.
an attacking miner can present you with all the valid looking spv proof for your payment and you would end up with nothing.
so spv on the shitforks is trustful. not at all what bitcoin aimed to be.
SPV works flawlessly on BSV. By all means attack BSV and make it not exist anymore.
Lol. Good for you buddy. Unlike all these other fags, I support your right to throw your money into scams.
>Ask a guy who just bought more BSV
Are u retarded?
if i was a bitcoin miner of some significant size i would show you the ropes gladly. it would be so easy to rekt sv beyond recognition with only like 2% hashrate.
>Here's an attack that works I swear
>No, it's never been done
>No, I'm not going to do it myself
Oh boy, not this retardation again.
And yet no miner does. I'm sure we can both come up with a litany of reasons for why, but in the end BSV stands.
very trusting of you.
I trust economics and incentives. Like it or not, you do to.
yeah but they don't work on the shitforks the same way they work on bitcoin. on bitcoin a 51% attack is not possible. if it was the shorting opportunity would be like the heist of a lifetime.
>6 posts by this ID
Go home greg
Lets do this faggot.. you show me creg isnÄt lying and I will give you 500k dollars. No kidding.
i can1t speak for miners i can only tell you if i was a miner i would show you how to destroy a shitfork in a single day. because a malicious 51% attack would not only rekt the price it would rekt the notion that some stupid fucks have about the shitforks.
And yet...
Pretty dull horoscope. Do better.
Retarded people still believe it.
Well? Do you want money or not?