Remember when that guy posted a etherdelta link that stole some guys entire LINK stack

Remember when that guy posted a etherdelta link that stole some guys entire LINK stack


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Other urls found in this thread:

meds status: not taken


we used to have some really good scams here

Top kek

shit, i remember this

Attached: 43646876974552342.jpg (569x400, 33.93K)

Remember when a guy posted that he was trying to sell some shitcoin on etherdelta for 1/100th of what it was worth just to get rid of it, actually listed the order at 100x that price, and a literal fucking pajeet rushed and bought it without checking the zeroes and tried to get his money back by making a sob story video?

remember when OP posted a faggot thread and a bunch of people hid the thread cuz it was stupid like the underage op?

didnt happen

this did though

Attached: 1564604998276.png (1904x9632, 1.25M)

So some pajeet sold all his shit for 0.03?

That was brilliant, then for like a week afterwards if you ever disliked an OP with a url in it, you just had to reply with "ALL MY LINK ARE GONE" and report it for the mods to take it down within minutes. Even if it was

If I remember correctly it was a tumblr link and tumblr allowed some code to run that automated a trade.

>Also this

Attached: 1566903909899.png (1000x5000, 2.17M)


here another classic

Attached: 1587911650493.jpg (1452x1712, 385.42K)

i remember something about that KEK

Attached: 1585101746958.png (1919x1033, 987.47K)

I never laughed so hard as I did in that thread.
Fucking gold.

any link to it?


I was there for that. Legendary

Attached: 1585801214571.jpg (225x225, 8.46K)

The song.

lmfao hemp extract topical sprays

ahhh my link

someone explain this

Some user convinced another user to buy a stock so he could dump his shares and make money. The dude put in 25k and lost it all.

Attached: 1587954492557.jpg (1242x854, 156.68K)

25k was enough to bump the price up that much?
thats hilarious

the comments are still up on etherscan

Yeah lol it must've been really low volume.

not funny. I lost 10k link in a fake airdrop

how did op get doxxed anyhow

You mean you got greedy and risked your coins with a third party you shouldnt have trusted to have power over your coins/wallet. May as well complain you got scammed with a pay 1 eth get 2 back trick. Youre an idiot.

It was not fake. It was you who conducted the airdrop.