
This board has turned into complete garbage.
I'll be back in 6 months to see if it's gotten any better.

For you retards here wondering why BSV hardly gets brought up anymore in a positive light, it's because most of us hang out on now.

For my oldfag frens on here, GL and take care.

Attached: 34-345194_download-pepe-the-frog-in-a-suit-clipart.jpg (880x777, 186.07K)

Okay, bye.

Attached: 1C73FF93-96E0-4CE3-AC3D-90E420DB7A22.jpg (368x368, 26.93K)

Bye :(

> BSV - twetch app
Good, you wont be missed

go away cunt

BSV isn't brought up in a positive light because it is the project of a literal serial scammer/forger... and because they stopped paying pajeets $0.05 per post. Bye nigger.

I know. That's why I'm leaving.


Kys jew

Don't leave bud I'm a dumb newfriend who'd like to try to make it someday. One of your random posts could save me, and then I could someday part info I've gained to help other frens here.

Here's a random post.

Spend time researching BSV. Check out Check out
Compare the bitcoin splits on
Buy & use BSV

There, I've done what you asked. GL

youll be back before the end of the week. dramatard

>For you retards here wondering why BSV hardly gets brought up anymore in a positive light, it's because most of us hang out on now.

Not true for me. I stopped posting on Yas Forums because Corona. Went to Yas Forums to shitpost. Around the time that started to get boring Bannerlord came out. So my level of giving a fuck about arguing with retards over Bitcoin completely dissipated.

Anyway, Bitcoin (BSV), Bullion and bullets.

>You discovered BSV is a scam and now make fun of me!

BCHSVfags are finally leaving. Thanks Jesus, you really pulled through for biz

>BSV believer
>coming back in 6 months
He's dragging it out as long as he can, but that scam probably won't exist in 6 months. You might not either.

>Here's a random post.
>Spend time researching BSV. Check out Check out
>Compare the bitcoin splits on
>Buy & use BSV
>There, I've done what you asked. GL
I do appreciate it I'll begin my research tonight I wish you the best.


>imagine announcing your departure to a bunch of anonymous strangers on a mongolian snowshoe video board
Dont let the door hit ya

Attached: 1585006491012.jpg (699x900, 92.61K)

>most of us hang out on
imagine the smell

Jeets can’t spam shill BSV all day because the Internet cafes are still closed.

Same here but, how many ounces you stacking?

The IQ of biz drops daily, congrats. Enjoy your celebration of diminishing usefulness I guess.

I wish you the best as well fren. GL

The smell of high IQ, and opportunity, and wealth?

the pajeets have anhero'd. Victory, We Have Victory!

>all the smart people are going to better forums.
>Victory, We Have Victory.


Attached: 1579709900378.png (600x800, 23.32K)

I'm an ouncelet. Only one in gold and maybe a hundred in silver. Most of what I hold is in BSV.

cope harder pajeets. oh wait you can't because COVID19 has shut down your country, so Craig can't hire cheap foreign shills anymore, as you pajeets scrape for some poo to loo.

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>For you retards here wondering why BSV hardly gets brought up anymore in a positive light, it's because calvin refuses to pay us now

See ya Raju.

Good stay out.

You get a pass because of warhammer